Sunday, July 20, 2008

Self Defense: Company Girl 1

This is an exchange I had with yet another Company Girl on stumble upon. This post is special in that it is the shortest amount of time it took to go from total stranger to name calling to blocked.

I find that the people who I'm wrong about stand up and debate it and we usually end up being friends, but if I'm dead on, I get a whining pouting vitriolic reaction typified by the one below.

This one covers all the bases. She tried to attack virtually everything that a stranger can attack.

I find it adorable and quite telling.

(Name hidden to prevent whining.)

1:39pm How truly bizarre. I just read your 'review' and it doesn't actually make any sense. Its as though you've gone off on some weird rant that has everything to do with you and absolutely nothing to do with me or anything I've posted. Being nothing but gratuitously abusive isn't really expressing an opinion... is it ? I know abuse is your online 'act' but really .. this is intellectually bankrupt and isn't worthy even of you ... :))



1:53pm Yes yes bury your head in the sand, pretend I didn't even make an argument, attack the messenger.

How original.

I suppose I shouldn't expect much more from a girl who lifted her avatar right out of cosmo.

(Name hidden to prevent whining.)

1:58pm I've heard from quite a few people that you have this 'problem' with girls online ... but really SU isnt supposed to be psycho-therapy. What you wrote .. referencing the 'sexuality' element of my days post .. made absolutely no sense at all. You were talking about something entirely different than what I wrote about. The review was about *you* .. not about me. I'll debate my liberal credentials with most people, but they have to at least make sense. Incidentally .. you included a couple of links in your review .. one to your own blog .. thats really not acceptable and its an abuse of the review system. You should remove them ..:)


2:13pm *rolls eyes* So when ad hom didn't work now its the argument from authority. So fact is a matter of vote? Can we all get together and vote on cancer being unreal then?

"You were talking about something entirely different than what I wrote about."

No actually I wasn't that's the point, drone. Of course I don't expect you to understand or even be open to the fact that there is a possibility that you don't understand.

"Thats really not acceptable and its an abuse of the review system."

Yea I'm sure you find my work unacceptable considering that it basically show that your whole worldview is a sham.

I'm done wasting my time on you, if you wish to debate publicly I'm all for it. You're beyond help, far too drunk on attention to be of any intellectual value.


(Name hidden to prevent whining.)

2:21pm *laughing* .. your 'work' ? Well thats the best laugh I've had today...:)) Anyway ... thats not the point . The fact is that including external links to your own sites under the guise of reviewing is an abuse of the review system and I routinely block and remove the reviews of the spammers who do it. Its up to you but I don't provide a platform on my site for abusive rants or spamming for external sites. Anyway .. try to relax .. honestly being the playground bully is *not* going to make any girl online take ytou seriuously or take any notice of you .. believe me .. just some friendly advice ..:))

And finally, the reason I've posted it is because she blocked me, thus trying to deny me of my right to response. Whiny little girls are SO fond of this. The internet equivalent of a crank call.

So here it is. My response:

Am I supposed to be concerned that you think badly of my work? You have the intellectual value of a tick in my estimation. Just because you typed that you were laughing am I supposed to start crying now? I love how some people never leave grade school.

Including external links is my right, especially if the whole of the link's content is my material. It's called citation. I've established my opinion on the subject before and you're not worth the duplication of effort, hence the link. Calling me a spammer is slander (libel?), I don't make a dime from any of my online work. If you want to imply a breech of protocol you should look to yourself first.

And finally what makes you think I'm at all concerned what any "girl" thinks of me?

That type of assumption is exactly the kind of sexism I'm trying to kill.

News flash: Men can be motivated by things other than sex.

Thanks for the material sugar, its been a real gas :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Self Defense: Rashgallivak

You didn't pass your English classes in school, did you?

False dichotomy. As Frank Zappa and Ray Bradbury, not to mention the millions that live and die, before or around, formal education as you know it, have shown through thought, speech, and action, education simply does not equal intelligence or ability.

If education equals anything its indoctrination. Wiki does not make me pledge allegiance to anything and the library does not care if I have a gun in my backpack, savvy?

All education means is picking a side and paying your membership dues.

Fuck education, I prefer learning, knowledge, and skill.

Besides, even if I did have a problem with English, which is laughable (and I did) I might add, why assume that its my fault? Do Italian people have to take Italian all the way through college?

Look at this shit.

So yes I passed English class, but even if I hadn't asking that question reveals your own ignorance far more effectively then a negative answer to your question would have revealed mine.

Have a sweet day.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Men online, how many of you have asked a girl for pictures? A/S/L The same shit you'd know generally the very second you laid eyes on them irl I might add, and odds are you're asking this question in a public place.

How often have you been scolded for it when it became clear the woman was physically attractive?

Hell, how many places is the question explicitly banned? How many places is the question itself treated like you just came all over their shoes?

What are they offended now that the subject of their beauty is of interest?

You know I'm always being accused of hating women, and I really don't but sometimes its really tempting to just generalize and run with it.

For example I just got a new job and there's a relatively attractive young woman working there, who is married and such, and I have absolutely no interest in her sexually or otherwise, she's truly just a co worker to me, but I have a habit of smiling and waving when I see people I know, and I still feel new at work so I'm trying to be as nice as I can to people, so I smile and nod at her or whatever whenever I catch her eye, and she makes it a point to look away from me without responding.

I know why. She's afraid that I want to fuck her and she has no interest in me at all. Which is fine except that I have no way of dispelling this assumption. I am forever convicted of being a horny walking hard on just looking for a dickless crotch to sniff just because I have a penis. Or more importantly because she's totally a product of The Company.

I am somehow the bad guy here. It is assumed because I'm male I want to fuck her. Now, I don't in this instance, but really, what if I did? We as a country spend more money on cosmetics then health care, and these barbies damn sure enjoy the result of being lusted after. I'm tired of being the pervert just because I don't measure up, when if I was a ripe blood sausage yearning for a new leech suddenly all those smiles and nods would land me a blow job in the bathroom instead of this look like I got caught watching her take a dump in a public restroom and then stealing her panties.

See its fine for me as a man to cry at night, building lame ass mix tapes and writing awful poetry thinking I'm in love when all I really need is a good long screw. To The company It's fine if I spend every waking minute of my entire adult life busting my ass for funds and spending them on everything from ax body spray to bow flex to Ferrari and work/obey/conform/consume with sufficient vigor, trying to please these vapid little wenches, sure. So long as I keep my suffering to my goddamn self if I'm not Brad Pitt, or at least as close as cute broad #562348562349 is gonna get thus far.

Its the same with every pretty girl. I swear that 12 year old had it right, being pretty equals being skinny and mean.

You express an interest and if you're not the sort of mindless money making machine control freak abusive asshole that women seem to adore these days, or they already have said money slave and you aren't good enough at a millisecond's glance to trade up for, you're somehow being offensive and “perverted”. Its like a whole society of cheerleaders in hot pants that say “juicy” across the tush whining about sexual harassment and their mother's lamenting the teen pregnancy rate in between Miss Ana Preteen USA pageants.

What triggered this post is a girl I know online had a picture and it was very small and it was cute, like a thumbnail of a famous girl. I figured it was just that. Lotza people choose to not use their real pics online, and thats fine, but I was curious, if she's hot it has an impact on the relationship. I'm supposed to pretend its not a factor? I lie for no one. Nothing people hate more than honesty, let me tell you.


So I ask her, is that you? She says yes, I see her avatar change a bunch of times, but I also see tons of other people straight up lie about their faces, so I ask her if she's really cute, I meant it as a gesture of trust, I wanted to try and make it clear I'm a friend regardless. She could be a 200 year old turtle for all I care.

And what happens? I get a “yes I'm hot please stop asking” and public proof of said hotness. Or at least as close to proof you can get this side of a web cam.

Stop asking. WTF!?

Why do I suddenly feel like I should have soiled panties in my left hand and child porn in the right while hammer the back half of a vinyl encased sheep?

I just gotta say for the record that is bloody unfair ladies.

You bust ass to be hot, make it public, expect all men to bust ass to compete for you, call your hotness a part of your identity, use metaphors for sex to describe and define your gender and love as often as I use vowels, and yet if I respond accordingly, and I'm not captain pennyworth six pack the human fuck machine with a dick made of chocolate and a trust fund with a net worth written in scientific notation, *I'm* the one with a problem and unrealistic expectations?!?

Fuck that.

Just like my previous work about mixed signals, if you can't even handle a question, if you don't even wanna TALK about it, here's a tip. You don't have to show anyone your face. Throw on a fucking burka, since you're content to throw away the proceeds of the women's lib movement by latching onto the dork of some rich white whale like a lamprey to a trout's belly anyway.

No, I don't hate women, I'm just damn tired of spoiled brat princess whores too weak to be prostitutes or good old fashioned (bless each and every one of them) sluts, treating me like I'm a goddamn monster for being born with a y chromosome.

Self Defense: Rufus777

See, this is part of my beef. This guy had a completely different review of me and then he changed it and it didn't alert me. they really don't want people responding to reviews no matter how libelous or false.


In this installment the guy takes exception to my claim of general amicability with my RL peers and ex girlfriends.

I wish to point out that the only time I even bring my RL standing up is in response to the common claim of me being a total social shut in, hated by the world, and hating it in turn, which is simply not the case. I personally don't see what I do in my down time or my standing with women has to do with anything, but apprently if I'm not being blown at this moment, nothing I say can be correct, if I take the trend to its most logical extreme.

I know that sounds like sarcasm, but think about it. no matter what you're doing, socially speaking it would be cooler and more acceptable if you were a male and you were ebign blown by a female. That's pretty sexist and sad really.

Anyway.. Sorry for the ramble.

My point is this: Granted, I'm an introvert. I love to read, and I enjoy spending time alone. But it is hardly because I am hated or feel hated. I am simply comfortable with myself and I happen to be of very low income, and in our consumerist society most activities come with a price tag. I don't even own a car, and I live in a town with less than 100K people. What am I going to do under thsoe consditions, really?

The more I read the more I dislike you dude, you say that you have had all these roommates and that you are still friends with them, as well as your ex girlfriends, except for one, then tell me why you have stirred up so many of the people here on stumble? Let me explain it, oh I don't know, maybe ... yep that's it! You are a lying bastard!! And you get your kicks by trying to belittle people on the internet, man that was easier then I thought! You can't fool everyone, most of us have seen right through you and your tall tales of being so well liked, even if you are well liked in the real world, you are not well liked here. I know you will spend some time trying to write something to discredit me and my opinions, go right ahead, but I just wanted you to know that I share many of my opinions with nice people here on stumble, and one of them is about what a Douchebag you are!! Don't let this rent too much space in your head, just tell yourself how great you are and it will all go away!! ;)

Here are my specific responses. are still friends with them, as well as your ex girlfriends, except for one, then tell me why you have stirred up so many of the people here on stumble?

Quite simply because my friends have been selected over a term of years, while stumblers are a much larger random sample selected over a maximum of two years.

You are a lying bastard!! And you get your kicks by trying to belittle people on the internet.
Its hard not to stoop to sarcasm here. I'll just simply say that neither of us believe that, and you've succeeded in making yourself look not so good.
You can't fool everyone, most of us have seen right through you and your tall tales of being so well liked, even if you are well liked in the real world, you are not well liked here.
Big words coming from a profile with 5 fans to my 245. I realize there is a time issue, I've been here longer, and that does indeed matter, but If I were truly unlikable, I don't think any duration difference would totally explain that discrepancy.

Besides, I'm not here trying to get people to like me, I couldn't give a shit frankly. I just want them to live and be happy and not take me down with them when they get themselves into some planet wide hip deep shit.
Don't let this rent too much space in your head, just tell yourself how great you are and it will all go away!! ;)
Heh, don't worry. Since I really am great, I don't need you or anyone else to share that opinion. Which is why I don't call people names beyond definable labels as a result of specific behaviors. Like racist, sexist, or Luddite.
I know you will spend some time trying to write something to discredit me and my opinions...
You can't discredit an opinion because its an opinion. That would be like somehow being able to prove ranch is better than thousand island using lab equipment. No, my only goal with these responses is to point out the subjective, personally belittling, name calling, and ultimately childish nature of my best (worst?) negative reviews.

For example...

"...what a Douchebag you are!!"

I rest my case.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Self Defense: CantaloupeSwing

Our next installment comes from a former fan. I've posted the review I'm officially responding too here at the top as usual, but the real beginning occurred earlier.


Spouts intellectualised shite. Deluded sense of his own self-importance. Enjoys wallowing in an inflated paradoxical cloud of self satisfaction and paranoia. Likes to mis-interpret and mis-represent. Views any interest in his subject matter as selfishness. Throws tantrums if he doesn't get his own way. Mental illness could be an issue here and if so I apologise for this review. If not, this review stands and you are possibly the biggest joke I've come across on Stumbleupon. Advice to any Stumblers out there, particularly women: stay away from this misogynistic arsehole. Do not ask for any clarification on any of his view points unless you want a stream of gender-biased, intellectualised abuse landing in your inbox. Foolish little boy. Go away now. Shoo!

My review of her before seeing this review but after seeing "Go fuck yourself, Innomen, you deluded fool." In my inbox.

This was after a fairly pleasant conversation. But the topic of the conversation was a series of questions she was asking me about my position.

I don't mind a quick clarification, but she was asking well formed deep large questions which demanded equal answers. As you know if you've read my other work you know that I'm quite verbose.

My positions especially the complex ones take time to articulate, and more time to public which involved a degree of fact grammar and spell checking.

I have no problem answering these questions except for two facts.

1. The answers are readily available in my other work.

2. I get these questions quite a bit, and the duplication of effort required in answering them is radically demanding and unfair. given that a good post takes me upwards of 45 minutes to compose.

Basically what I wanted was for the questions I got to be deliver anonymously so that I could answer them publicly, and maybe save myself from having to do it again later.

But this young woman feels it is my duty to personally tutor her in sociology, economics, anthropology, evolutionary biology, psychology, game theory, and ethics.

I neither have the time or inclination to do so most especially to a person I had only met 2-3 days prior. I've discovered time and again that friends made quickly especially women vanish just as quickly.

Women, especially online have a nasty habit of taking a single statment out of context and then haveing a massive antrum which almost invariably includes a spiteful review, and an ignore, the digital equivilant of hanging up on a guy while cursing him. Completely refusing to hear or explore pertnintan supporting material int he process.

Women have a gift for the Straw man. What you actually said or menat has no relevance.

Beyond all of that lets tackle the review itself shall we and explore what it says about the author.

Spouts intellectualised shite. Deluded sense of his own self-importance.

I directly offered her a chance to explore and if disagreement was found debate or counter my ideas, as I do indirectly with all thinking life. I never ignore anyone or block negative reviews or posts on any subject in any medium I have control in.

Importance is a subjective and time critical thing, neither can be objectively judged until all the facts are in. History is replete with examples of people or achievements that appeared trivial or valueless at the time and later revolutionized the entire world. The discovery of silicon for example.

I've already commented extensively on The Company's desire for everyone to treat greatness as an impossible external thing of the past. Simple reminder, I will not be shamed or bullied into lying about my opinion of my own worth.

I consider myself a genius and a highly skilled philosopher ethicist, game theorist, logician etc. What the world thinks of me now or later is not my concern. I am not a politician or an aspiring prom king, i simply don't care what you personally think of me or my ideas.

All I care about is how the stand up to scrutiny, and their degree of parity with reality. And "Go fuck yourself." is hardly a damning argument against anything except maybe the speaker's credibility.

Likes to mis-interpret and mis-represent.

Again, I offered and still offer plenty of opportunity to demonstrate this. If it is the case then I welcome it. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain from being proven wrong on any point no matter how trivial or profound.

Throws tantrums if he doesn't get his own way.

Pot, Kettle, Black. I don't recall spouting personally attacks and name calling while blocking and unfriending you, and then warning an entire gender to avoid me.

Mental illness could be an issue here and if so I apologise for this review.

Ad Hom. Even if I were mentally ill, which I'll admit, at least one psychology professional thinks I am, I would never use that as cover. I don't care if I'm a Tinfoil Hat wearing schizophrenic, my ideas are either correct or they are not. My particular psychosis, if any, demands that I present all my ideas for total peer review. Frankly I think I'm saner than the vast bulk of humanity. But hey, I'm open to the possibility of being a nut bar.

Advice to any Stumblers out there, particularly women: stay away from this misogynistic arsehole.

Ahh the old saw. Feminists are accused ad nauseum of being men haters. As a masculist, I get the same treatment. Once, again, for the record, I do not hate women.

Do not ask for any clarification on any of his view points unless you want a stream of gender-biased, intellectualised abuse landing in your inbox.

My response to her demand that I be her private tutor was that the attitude of entitlement is to special treatment is common in young women.

This post and this post are related to our conversation, which I would gladly repost verbatim if she were as confident in her position as I am in mine, alas, I'm sworn to secrecy, and must limit myself to conceptual translation, rather than literal responses.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Self Defense: smittygator

Just another poor sap in need of attention and possibly a hug.

If that were true. Why the thumbs down?

Because its the male thing to do to kick people who are down. Thats what women demand, and so that's what they get.

Fact is, we both know better. I'm not down at all. You wish to portray me as down so that it's ok to kick. Which is pretty screwed up in and of itself, I'll get to that further down.

You and all the other slaves can't stand what I have to say because if taken seriously it would demand a complete restructuring of your life, if you no longer wished to be a walking product that is. Sadly you no longer have the time or resources to effect your exodus from this atrocious arrangement.

The telling bit is that even if your claim were true, which it is to a degree, it isn't something to be ashamed of in my opinion. If I were a "poor sap in need of attention and possibly a hug" How does that reflect poorly on me or the veracity of my position? Because The Company's position, and thus yours, slave, is that men who desire emotional and physical comfort beyond sex, football, and beer are somehow weak.

All humans need "Attention." Solitary confinement destroys minds, so being that I'm a human I don't find that particularly offensive or damning to either my personal worth or my claims' validity. I kinda like needing attention in fact, it keeps me close to my species. Something they don't want, I might ad. They'd rather you not give a shit, in fact they'd like you to point and laugh at other people's suffering, which I'm sure you do quite a bit with the result of the trained apes. Remember this next time you laugh at someone's expense in fiction or in real life.

I love hugs and I get plenty, but I'm sure I wouldn't say no to a few more. How does the desire for more affection make me a loser again? Oh right because men are supposed to basically stand at stoic attention until tasked by The Company.

Well, I'm not Todd, I need human contact and I'm not ashamed of or afraid of that fact.

Thing is, I'm not gunna pay a third party the privilege of receiving them from some girl who doesn't mean them, or only means them because I'm buying and she's convinced herself that's what love is. That's what you meant right? I mean not getting a hugs from men is a good thing, since if I did I'd somehow be gay, right?

What you were trying to say is that I'm a loser, and no one likes me. Well since loser is a subjective thing, loser I may be by your standards. After all, I'm not 50K in debt paying for a house bigger than I need and a car that sucks up way too much gas, I'm not some woman's mule, I haven't produced a drone and then handed it over to The Company for "education", I keep to myself and I don't attention any of The Company meetings. (Church/Sports/Military) And I read, voraciously.

So the only option to you remaining in the face of a logically unassailable position, is to personally attack me, IE suggest that I'm somehow pathetic and weak in the hopes that it will unfairly color the perceived veracity of my position. Gee, kill the messenger. How clever and original, wish I'd thought of that.