Friday, June 27, 2008

Self Defense: ryquail

ryquail Hide Review
thumbdown Jun 26, 7:11pm

StumbleUpon &187; Innomens web site reviews and blog []

Lets quote you shall we:

"I love hate mail because hate is not the opposite of love, apathy is." He is the child who wants attention, even negative attention. Mommy look at me, I am a bad boy. (he claims BDSM as something he likes)

"I have deep respect for strippers, prostitutes, and porno models. They are honest well and above the average member of their gender." He says women are all liars except for for strippers, prostitutes, and porno models.

"I say we repeal sexual harassment laws entirely."

He thinks women are "asking for it" .

"The only real solution is gender divided schooling. Equal rights don't have to be the same location." He wants a gender based version of Jim Crow so he won't be tempted. Go to a country where they wear burkas then.

"I grow tired of messages to me in the form of public reviews to which I cannot respond." You can leave your own reviews so what are you talking about?

Jun 26, 6:23pm

"He says women are all liars except for for strippers, prostitutes, and porno models. "

Straw man. I said and meant no such thing or anything even remotely close. The subject of how I feel about women is as varied and complex as how I feel about humanity in general. To reduce my position to such a minuscule generalization is absurd and we both know it.

Absurd? Said no such thing? You said "I have deep respect for strippers, prostitutes, and porno models. They are honest well and above the average member of their gender." Expaine how you meant the exact opposite. "The burka societies are those even more obsessed with sex (!) then we are" You are the one who reduced the position of entire countries to a generalization and you say I reduced your position? Ha! caught you!

"He thinks women are "asking for it" ."

Straw man. My position on rape is as complex as any seriously considered position on the causes of crime. I think some people put themselves in dangerous situations, and while they of course still deserve equal protection under the law, they do not deserve extra pity. Rape is bad, no matter what you gender, or level of sex appeal. You are approaching libel on this one.

I did not mention rape dumbass. Now who is takeing things out of context? Ha, caught you again! How can you have a complex position on rape????? Rape is wrong. Nothing complex about that!! I am approaching libel for Quoteing you?!

"He wants a gender based version of Jim Crow so he won't be tempted. Go to a country where they wear burkas then. "

Straw man. The burka countries are precisely the opposite of what I want. The burka societies are those even more obsessed with sex (!) then we are. You purposely characterize my position on gender relations and how that issue, relates to sexuality. If you believe what you're saying then you see no division because you are sexist, you see women as equaling sex, I see women as women. Or more specifically, I see them as people of the female gender. Gender being a physical as well as social distinction. The social one being the topic of discussion with regard to gender divided education.

I see women as equaling sex? Do you any sex on my blog at all. I am here to have intellegent conversations with smart women (and I do). I am the biggest man-prude here on SU. Your argument is invalid.

Well since I'm apparently supposed ot use this space as a reply zone, instead of, you know, actually reviewing the blog itself, here we go. *sigh*

“He is the child who wants attention “

lol Of course I want attention, I'm an author. As opposed to what, wanting obscurity? News flash, we both have public blogs.

Was noting that I'm into BDSM supposed to embarrass me or something? Or are you turned on.

He says women are all liars except for for strippers, prostitutes, and porno models. “

Straw man. I said and meant no such thing or anything even remotely close. The subject of how I feel about women is as varied and complex as how I feel about humanity in general. To reduce my position to such a minuscule generalization is absurd and we both know it.

He thinks women are "asking for it" .”

Straw man. My position on rape is as complex as any seriously considered position on the causes of crime. I think some people put themselves in dangerous situations, and while they of course still deserve equal protection under the law, they do not deserve extra pity. Rape is bad, no matter what you gender, or level of sex appeal. You are approaching libel on this one.

He wants a gender based version of Jim Crow so he won't be tempted. Go to a country where they wear burkas then. “

Straw man. The burka countries are precisely the opposite of what I want. The burka societies are those even more obsessed with sex (!) then we are. You purposely characterize my position on gender relations and how that issue, relates to sexuality. If you believe what you're saying then you see no division because you are sexist, you see women as equaling sex, I see women as women. Or more specifically, I see them as people of the female gender. Gender being a physical as well as social distinction. The social one being the topic of discussion with regard to gender divided education.

You can leave your own reviews so what are you talking about?”

Well maybe I'd like to respond to your claims, and review your page separately. And have enough room to reply to your replies. Perhaps I'd like it easy for my readers to find what I've said. But then you'd loath that.

Grats on mastering the context lift. A skilled user of this deceptive practice can make one appear to say almost anything, provided they've said a lot. Fortunately my target audience loathes those who clumsily attempt to trick them into agreeing, and is more then intelligent enough to spot it, even when I'm not pointing it out, line by line.

Final Edit:

I'm not going to debate you under these conditions, you may be too limited to see the need for a reply function, but I'm not.

Privately there is no point, you'll consider it a point of pride to ignore everything I say like a shrieking child with fingers in his ears or some sort of shit tossing chimp proud of his aim.

And publicly, if I were to reply to your reply to my replies etc, it would become impossible to follow for outsiders and end up still nothing more then a flame war between the two of us which would be fruitless for the reasons stated above.

As a gift from me, you may have the last word, one response from me is more then enough to demonstrate my position, and your spiteful ignorant foolishness. I have confidence in my readers to see the truth.

You're not fooling me. I know that you know you're taking my position radically out of context in some childish attempt to impress some random SUwhore, who no doubt enlisted your aid because she herself has no authorial skill whatsoever.

Well I hope it works, honestly, I hope she falls into your arms grateful and swooning over your valiant battle against the evil black hearted Innomen.

P.S. I'd put the average and/or combined IQ of my female readership up against yours any day.

Quite simply, you're talking out of your ass, and we both know it.



What is the point if nothing can be proven? You never brought up proof, I did, so it is not context lifting in my opinion. I can not demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt what you think. There is no point in trying. I am perfectly willing to concede a point. I already said I agree with some of your stuff. For example you are spot on about the "princess" problem. I don't like cars either but getting rid of them would just result in other objects taking their place as status symbols.

I just don't see what the point for me to debate in public as I am not (despite your opinion) trying to impress anyone. I just state my own opinions. Negative reviews cause people to think, while bland "nice pics" positive will not make anyone think.

I have no response. Clearly we are not in opposition.

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