Friday, June 27, 2008

Self Defence: nomadtoads

The review...

interesting... ill be following your blog with mild scorn and amusement in equal measure..

im sorry that you cannot find anyone to match your intellect among your peers..

but at least it must be nice to know that you live in a world populated with people with inflated views of there own self worth and higher intelligence..

You claim to wish to help humanity but you show contempt and disrespect for those you wish to help..

You seem very misogynistic with an unhealthy, sometimes threatening obsession for young women..

confused,egotistical possibly delusional ... future serial killer or future president???

Edit after reading further reading*

To all of yo who believe that this fool speaks anything of value..

His verbal and mental abuse of women via stumbleupon is evidence of a personality defect.

He is a bully and a masochist!

The fragments and essays which he is writing, while containing some truth and valuable information come to some conclusions which suggest possible psychosis.

Do not believe this man to be free thinker he is as much a product of society as the rest of us!

Insulting people for having interests differnt to yours and making judgements on how others live there lives and you are on the road to a dictatorship..

I could go on oand on about his racism, sexism, bigotry, superiority, sexually motivated predatory behavior...

but ill simply say

You are not the answer my friend you and your ilk are the ones that created the problems!

My response...

"(I'm) sorry that you cannot find anyone to match your intellect among your peers.."
Me too.

" least it must be nice to know that you live in a world populated with people with inflated views of there own self worth and higher intelligence."

No, it's not.

"You claim to wish to help humanity but you show contempt and disrespect for those you wish to help. "

Humanity isn't a colonial mold, we have segments. Some I loath some I deeply wish to protect.

"You seem very misogynistic with an unhealthy, sometimes threatening obsession for young women. "
You're not paying attention, or are working from a very limited dataset.

"The fragments and essays which he is writing, while containing some truth and valuable information come to some conclusions which suggest possible psychosis. "

That's true to some extent, The psychological community has long been a servant of The Company and it's three parts, Government, Corporation, and Religion. Long has the claim of mental illness been used as a bludgeon by these groups. However, I would have you explore the scientific validity of psychology in general as a separate entity from neurology.

To me the psychological community is more of a political entity then a scientific one. One need look no further then it's stance on religion, which under any objective measure would be treated as psychosis. One could also explore its sordid history and discover that its flaws are not so much the fault of its practitioners, but more a general systemic failure.

"Do not believe this man to be (a) free thinker he is as much a product of society as the rest of us!"

False dichotomy. Of course I am a product of society. But one does not have to be excluded from society to be a free thinker.

"Insulting people for having interests (different) (from) yours and making (judgments) on how others live (their) lives and you are on the road to a dictatorship."

Agreed. Luckily, I do no such thing.

"I could go on (and) on about his racism, sexism, bigotry, superiority, sexually motivated predatory behavior... "

Just because my views anger some women does not mean I am a sexist. The term is abused. Sexism is very specific. This claim is ironic to the point of hilarity coming from the man who's blog is riddled with women-as-objects photography.

I challenge you to showcase a single example of bigotry or racism. That claim is purely slander.

As to my "predatory sexual motivations", I'm going to have to go either willful misunderstanding or projection.

The bulk of my work is in fact critical of that type of behavior. Long have I complained that women on the one hand attack men as violent brutish thugs, while on the other subsidizing the most violent of us with sex and children, to the point of visiting prisons to do so while kinder gentler smarter men remain unloved and unsexed outside prison walls.

No doubt, like all others of limited intellectual capacity you'll interpret that as a symptom of sexual frustration on my part, but rest assured nothing could be further from the truth. I'll simply say, I get what I require.

"You are not the answer my friend you and your ilk are the ones that created the problems! "
I never said I was the answer, I said I have the answer. And in a word the answer is technology. Beyond that, of course people like me have created the problems. In order for a problem to exist you must have conflict. Society has long be plagued by forward thinkers. Society by its nature resist innovation of any sort, because of its need for stability. Innovation is inherently destabilizing. It's a delicate balance that will grow harder and harder to maintain. I question weather it should be maintained at all.

Thank you for reading my work, even if your motivations are bias, and your conclusions, incorrect.



I send you this message not as an attack and nor will i block you from replying.. I'm quite happy for you to post any of my communications any where you see fit as i have nothing to hide and am not ashamed of my views or intimidated.

That is quite laudable, and I honestly applaud that attitude. More people should share it. It is not my goal to intimidate anyone.

I'm replying publicly because you raise good points and I'd like to share my responses for the record.

By the same note I'm not intimidated by your clever use of words or your large fan base, Hitler had a lot of fans and so did George w at one point...

You appear to resent my vocabulary. I get that from time to time. But I must take the hard road on this one. While I strongly encourage user friendliness, and shun intentional obfuscation of a point behind jargon, that is not what I'm doing here. This is truly how I think and speak. The only way I could make it simpler is to not talk about these subjects at all. In this instance if you don't like what I have to say, simply change the channel.

If you truly believe that you are helping then you are deluding your self..

Why do you think that? Others disagree, but granted this is not a vote. What evidence would you present to defend that assertion? Besides, why assume my timetable is so short? I'm trying to help people in the future far more then those alive today.

Why do you find it offensive to display sexual imagery and how does this support monogamy??

I have no problem with sexual imagery, I do have a problem with sexual imagery obviously glorifying the couple or trying to pass itself off as romantic, artistic or “beautiful”.

It supports monogamy because it further casts women as the carrot on the end of a very long stick. I'm tired of being told by implication and imagery that hot young women are somehow better then anything on earth being that they are vessels of the ephemeral and eternal “love” and “beauty”.

It's a con, plan and simple. “Love,” in the American mind is little more then fashion and pimping. A rap video and a jail bait demotivational gone horribly wrong. I pay Ferrari, I get to fuck a teen model. You honestly don't see something wrong there? Why don't I have the option of just paying her directly? What does who I pay make any difference? Why must I choose base don sex appeal? Why must she choose based on income, or power?

Freedom of thought is the basis for a truly enlightened human race.. I do believe you to be intelligent... But your superiority complex and lack of humanity is clear for all to see.. You claim not to judge people but i read reviews you have given where you judge and demean claiming some kind of supreme authority over peoples motivations...

I'm not always diligent on my qualifications of statements. As I assume a degree of past readership, but let me just say that I was most probably not attacking the people, but rather ideas and opinions expressed by said people, which I consider to be distinct entities. One can attack an idea and leave the person alone. This fact is lost, since neither formal debate skill nor logic are commonly taught.

Calling a women an attention whore, as if she prostitutes herself for fans on a website.. mmm

Maybe she likes nude art, erotica or straight up pornography, that is her right as a human being and this website is designed for..

Granted, but there is a great burden of responsibility when you suddenly have a voice that reaches 800 people. It becomes self indulgent to waste the opportunity. Now, I'm not saying stop what you're doing, I'm simply saying pepper it with something of value. I'm also saying think about what you're advocating. People radically misunderstand the consequences of enforced monogamy. Among which partially are sexually driven serial rape and murder, in addition to child abuse. (each long and complex subjects, of which I am happy to speak on separately, if you would like.) And it is a valid question to explore why people like things.

If you do not like someones interests or politics move on .. Why do you feel the need to personally attack peoples character??

Because character is largely composed of ideas. Society is a construct built of our collective behaviors. Ethics change over time, and I'm trying to guide them in a direction I consider beneficial for all. I am not content to merely float along in the stream, I wish to build a canal, so to speak.

oh why am i wasting my time to psychoanalyze you.. Psychiatry may be a scam, religion too and government, morals may be control, ethics a lie, marriage a cage, capitalism a machine, peace a dream and technology the closest thing well get to god or heaven or transcending the flesh..

It's not a waste of time if either of us learn something. I know I'm learning, and I hope you are as well. And since you've so nobly given me permission to publicize this, our words will continue to cause learning, and maybe even entertain. This was not pointless.

Or maybe were all just human beings with base needs and desires scrambling to spread our DNA and in doing so were are manipulated by powers older and wiser than we.. I do believe that these puppet masters exist pulling the strings from ivory towers, manipulating governments and the media changing our thoughts and beliefs...

And I would agree 100%. But, trust yourself. That wisdom that you think they have, is largely a claim without proof.

but those who wish the good of mankind have always been able to relate to the weak and the ignorant and offer support and advice to those in need.. To believe you are are a philosopher and deep thinker and have the answers mankind is searching for is an ego trip..

Again, evidence. I'm of the opinion that the culture of piety is largely a constraint designed to keep people meek, and quiet. No, I am a philosopher and I am a deep thinker, and I will not be brow beaten into feigning shame.

First learn humility and compassion for all people...

I have a level of compassion for people that I think you're incapable or unwilling to see. I have compassion in a very general way for the whole of my species over all of time. Humility is not joined to compassion. To use a nerd analogy, lawful and chaotic can both be good. :)

Secondly semantics, grammar and clever use of language does not prove an argument, so intellectually bullying people into submission is cheating, To win is to convince your opponent of the validity of your argument..

I disagree, to win is to prove the point, or demonstrate its strength is greater then your opponents. Your opponent need not agree to be proven wrong. A simple look at religious debate will show that. There is no convincing some people, and their stubbornness or closed mindedness has no impact on the validity of the points under discussion. In short I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to the readers.

Finally stop using the comments about us not getting you because we are not intelligent enough, its petty and immature and manipulative, a simple mind fuck.. If you want to make people understand speak to them on there level.

As I said above, some things cannot be simplified further. This demand for the whole of human knowledge crushed into a 30 second sound byte is unreasonable Some topics are simply too complex to deliver in such a fast food manner.

Self Defense: tedomatic

I wish I could be so much more enlightened and intelligent than the rest of society.
I doubt that.

I'm sorry they've convinced you that to speak well of yourself is somehow taboo.

I know what I am. And as disturbing as it may be to some, others find my honesty refreshing, if not simply amusing.

Ask yourself, what do you care how well I think of myself? Why are you angry at me based on it? That I'm merely wrong, and deluded? Or that I have the temerity to announce it if I'm right? Some third option I'm unaware of?

Perhaps its because you feel the same way, but were convinced as above that the idea is taboo, and hid yourself. If that is the case, don't hate me, simply love yourself. Be honest about how you feel, even if it pisses people off.

What do you have to lose? If those around you care for you based on a lie, is that real care?

My goal is not and never was merely to boast my superiority, though I do feel superior and admit to it.

There are two fundamental ways to better one's self since betterment is merely a subjective relative term.

The elevation of yourself by tearing others down, or lifting yourself up.

I'm not selfless of course. My goal is the elevation of myself though the elevation of humanity. I take considerable pride in my effort to help humanity, even if some label it delusion, or psychosis. I get an ego boost from the fact that I honestly advocate continuous improvement. The world is better for me being in it, even if the amount of improvement is absurdly small.

What's your goal?

Self Defense: ryquail

ryquail Hide Review
thumbdown Jun 26, 7:11pm

StumbleUpon &187; Innomens web site reviews and blog []

Lets quote you shall we:

"I love hate mail because hate is not the opposite of love, apathy is." He is the child who wants attention, even negative attention. Mommy look at me, I am a bad boy. (he claims BDSM as something he likes)

"I have deep respect for strippers, prostitutes, and porno models. They are honest well and above the average member of their gender." He says women are all liars except for for strippers, prostitutes, and porno models.

"I say we repeal sexual harassment laws entirely."

He thinks women are "asking for it" .

"The only real solution is gender divided schooling. Equal rights don't have to be the same location." He wants a gender based version of Jim Crow so he won't be tempted. Go to a country where they wear burkas then.

"I grow tired of messages to me in the form of public reviews to which I cannot respond." You can leave your own reviews so what are you talking about?

Jun 26, 6:23pm

"He says women are all liars except for for strippers, prostitutes, and porno models. "

Straw man. I said and meant no such thing or anything even remotely close. The subject of how I feel about women is as varied and complex as how I feel about humanity in general. To reduce my position to such a minuscule generalization is absurd and we both know it.

Absurd? Said no such thing? You said "I have deep respect for strippers, prostitutes, and porno models. They are honest well and above the average member of their gender." Expaine how you meant the exact opposite. "The burka societies are those even more obsessed with sex (!) then we are" You are the one who reduced the position of entire countries to a generalization and you say I reduced your position? Ha! caught you!

"He thinks women are "asking for it" ."

Straw man. My position on rape is as complex as any seriously considered position on the causes of crime. I think some people put themselves in dangerous situations, and while they of course still deserve equal protection under the law, they do not deserve extra pity. Rape is bad, no matter what you gender, or level of sex appeal. You are approaching libel on this one.

I did not mention rape dumbass. Now who is takeing things out of context? Ha, caught you again! How can you have a complex position on rape????? Rape is wrong. Nothing complex about that!! I am approaching libel for Quoteing you?!

"He wants a gender based version of Jim Crow so he won't be tempted. Go to a country where they wear burkas then. "

Straw man. The burka countries are precisely the opposite of what I want. The burka societies are those even more obsessed with sex (!) then we are. You purposely characterize my position on gender relations and how that issue, relates to sexuality. If you believe what you're saying then you see no division because you are sexist, you see women as equaling sex, I see women as women. Or more specifically, I see them as people of the female gender. Gender being a physical as well as social distinction. The social one being the topic of discussion with regard to gender divided education.

I see women as equaling sex? Do you any sex on my blog at all. I am here to have intellegent conversations with smart women (and I do). I am the biggest man-prude here on SU. Your argument is invalid.

Well since I'm apparently supposed ot use this space as a reply zone, instead of, you know, actually reviewing the blog itself, here we go. *sigh*

“He is the child who wants attention “

lol Of course I want attention, I'm an author. As opposed to what, wanting obscurity? News flash, we both have public blogs.

Was noting that I'm into BDSM supposed to embarrass me or something? Or are you turned on.

He says women are all liars except for for strippers, prostitutes, and porno models. “

Straw man. I said and meant no such thing or anything even remotely close. The subject of how I feel about women is as varied and complex as how I feel about humanity in general. To reduce my position to such a minuscule generalization is absurd and we both know it.

He thinks women are "asking for it" .”

Straw man. My position on rape is as complex as any seriously considered position on the causes of crime. I think some people put themselves in dangerous situations, and while they of course still deserve equal protection under the law, they do not deserve extra pity. Rape is bad, no matter what you gender, or level of sex appeal. You are approaching libel on this one.

He wants a gender based version of Jim Crow so he won't be tempted. Go to a country where they wear burkas then. “

Straw man. The burka countries are precisely the opposite of what I want. The burka societies are those even more obsessed with sex (!) then we are. You purposely characterize my position on gender relations and how that issue, relates to sexuality. If you believe what you're saying then you see no division because you are sexist, you see women as equaling sex, I see women as women. Or more specifically, I see them as people of the female gender. Gender being a physical as well as social distinction. The social one being the topic of discussion with regard to gender divided education.

You can leave your own reviews so what are you talking about?”

Well maybe I'd like to respond to your claims, and review your page separately. And have enough room to reply to your replies. Perhaps I'd like it easy for my readers to find what I've said. But then you'd loath that.

Grats on mastering the context lift. A skilled user of this deceptive practice can make one appear to say almost anything, provided they've said a lot. Fortunately my target audience loathes those who clumsily attempt to trick them into agreeing, and is more then intelligent enough to spot it, even when I'm not pointing it out, line by line.

Final Edit:

I'm not going to debate you under these conditions, you may be too limited to see the need for a reply function, but I'm not.

Privately there is no point, you'll consider it a point of pride to ignore everything I say like a shrieking child with fingers in his ears or some sort of shit tossing chimp proud of his aim.

And publicly, if I were to reply to your reply to my replies etc, it would become impossible to follow for outsiders and end up still nothing more then a flame war between the two of us which would be fruitless for the reasons stated above.

As a gift from me, you may have the last word, one response from me is more then enough to demonstrate my position, and your spiteful ignorant foolishness. I have confidence in my readers to see the truth.

You're not fooling me. I know that you know you're taking my position radically out of context in some childish attempt to impress some random SUwhore, who no doubt enlisted your aid because she herself has no authorial skill whatsoever.

Well I hope it works, honestly, I hope she falls into your arms grateful and swooning over your valiant battle against the evil black hearted Innomen.

P.S. I'd put the average and/or combined IQ of my female readership up against yours any day.

Quite simply, you're talking out of your ass, and we both know it.



What is the point if nothing can be proven? You never brought up proof, I did, so it is not context lifting in my opinion. I can not demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt what you think. There is no point in trying. I am perfectly willing to concede a point. I already said I agree with some of your stuff. For example you are spot on about the "princess" problem. I don't like cars either but getting rid of them would just result in other objects taking their place as status symbols.

I just don't see what the point for me to debate in public as I am not (despite your opinion) trying to impress anyone. I just state my own opinions. Negative reviews cause people to think, while bland "nice pics" positive will not make anyone think.

I have no response. Clearly we are not in opposition.

Self Defense: justinlg

"Poor 28 year old pedestrian philosopher and author on a quest to elevate humanity past suffering and its biological and psychological constraints. "

This makes you sound like a pretentious asshole.

If you had read any of my work you'd know I don't give a shit what I sound like.

I leave style over content to other people.

Thanks for playing. :)

Self Defense: lazygit

Taking yourself way too seriously, dude. You're making the Internet boring just by your presence.

You're damn right. I am taking myself seriously. I have a point, and I'm capable of proving that on any subject you choose. I will either admit ignorance or share my rationally arrived at position.

I'm pleased you've chosen to call my blog boring. As its not a fucking joke. I comment primarily on subjects which I feel passionately about and they include but are not limited to, all forms of oppression, and the future of humanity.

This is not sit-com material. There are a great many things very wrong, and no its not entertaining or funny. In fact is rather depressing and damn angering. Hate the messenger all you like because like those that have come before, you have nothing for my message.

I'm easy. I'm just some guy and like any human I have oodles of issues problems misconceptions and outright fabrications in my mind. Help me out, and point one out if you like, calling me names however is not at all productive.

My ideas are invincible, because they live in an open mind, and every attack on them either makes them stronger or does nothing since each attack brings them closer to parity with reality.

Yes I take myself seriously. I am not a joke. I am special. And so are you. They convince us otherwise to keep us weak.

Self Defense: Win-and-God

Abysmally boring. You act as if gender 'humour' makes sense. Just because you (most likely) follow the gender nonsense doesn't mean the rest of us do. For a person with such shitty tastes in everything, you're sure full of yourself. There's no reason for you to be pretentious. All of your interests are, at best, mediocre. tl;dr Eat ten dicks and die.

Some have described humor as non contradictory fact recognition, in a way it is serious as it exaggerates a point that when watered down reveals a true feeling. It is those feelings and ideals that inspire my comments.

You already knew all that. You're a garden variety troll. Thank you for your comment :)

Self Defense: somebody

somebody rated 13 hours ago• Hide Review
I could almost ignore the veiled undertone of misogyny, but copypasting lyrics by A Perfect Circle is well beyond the pale. Also, SU people I respect seem to think that you're an ass.

Gotta love yet another drive by. What is it about plugging your ears and yelling at someone that is so appealing to those with double digit IQs? Anyway...

Heh, Someone you "respect" or lust after? I'm betting this is an example, numbered best in scientific notation, of a yet another would be hero prince charming attacking the evil black hat bad guy to save the charming sexually appealing, and hopefully grateful, innocent little girl princess.

Misogyny, again.

Ironic considering the song is about saving a girl from an abusive relationship. And a general indication of my feeling that ALL relationships are abusive.

Ironic also that the motivations for this sort of attack are usually very corrosive to the idea of women not being objects. (or victim damsel princesses that need saving so long as they are cute, for example)

Self Defense: naeri

Our next entry came out of no where with the following... Normally I wouldn't respond but he asked me a question which makes the review count as a personal message in the form of a review.

naeri says...
Holy shit, it's Baron Innomen.

I am reminded of another famous person who bore that title.

That guy got a mental disorder named after him. What's your justification for existing?

Heh, physical law? The Big Bang? Isn't that a somewhat vague question? I suppose my final answer would be that I don't have or need one.

Until next time. I hope someone other than me smiled. :)

Self Defense: OptimizeMe

And this weeks grandstanding insecurity example for whom personal messages aren't good enough is... *drum roll* OptimizeMe Yay!! You win free press! :)

This week's entry is a little unusual in that I still like the guy and every message to him from me has been positive. Just goes to show, some people are mean no matter what you do. Oh well at least he's funny and an excellent troll, he even almost pissed me off, despite my knowing exactly how this works.

On with the show!

I started things off, with this this review...

Apr 16, 10:42am Social hacker of the first order with a bit of a temper issue and loads more cynicism than even I've got. His heart's in the right place though, credit where credit is due.

A living example of the T-shirt, if you're not angry you're not paying attention.

And then sent him a personal message, because I consider it a common courtesy (I'm the only one on SU who does this apparently) to send the person I review the work that inspired my review...

Apr 16, 10:44am


You might like my work.

To which he responded by (as you might have guess given this posts locations) by messaging me in the form of a review, an action SU has yet to provide adequate mechanism of response for.

Apr 17, 6:25am
Come up with your own ideas.

Hehehe... My next personal message to him was as follows.

Since we're going to talk to each other publicly.

Dear OptimizeMe

Hate me all you like I still think you're funny. :)

My own ideas eh?

So you honestly think that I completely missed the objectification of women, of which the sale of children as sex objects is but a small part, until I saw your two paragraphs... yesterday? At which point I figured that now would be a good time to stop whatever I was doing before and copy your work with all possible haste so as to forever plant a flag with my name on it, firmly in the women's rights issue, thus naturally leading to a noble peace prize, high schools named after me, and the respect of women for generations?

As plausible as all that is, no. I've been talking about, and more importantly writing about, this topic for my entire adult life. In fact the portion of my book in question, while posted on scribed a mere few months ago, was written when I was still in my first year of college based on conversation I regularly had in IRC in the mid 90s heh.

This is particularly amusing as roughly half my work as my readers know focuses on human mate selection in America and the west generally, of which the above issue is a substantial part.

Examples are scattered all over my SU account, this blog and my book.

But I recognize the mark of a truly talented troll. You first choose something obvious about the person and then claim the opposite or attack it in someway. Like attacking a retired marine for lack of patriotism or something. Since you don't actually believe it yourself you're free to respond in whatever way you wish to make the other person look foolish for even trying, the subject will often flounder because central traits are often in the mind of the person axiomatic and they have not given any thought to the matter of how to prove it if pressed. Like imagine if someone accused you of not being your gender or race, how exactly would you prove it with words?

I've been on SU for two years and haven't encounter a troll yet, much less a good one. You force people to think. Regardless of whats going on in your head.

Self Defense: parallaxblue

Ahhh, parallaxblue.

(Edit: The day after this post, he changed his avatar to the following, hehe.)

A depressing example of what I used to be. Still, a lot can happen in 7 years, I have hope for the man yet. Despite his flailing tantrums.

They say atheism isn't a religion, and I would generally agree, except in those cases where the advocates of non-faith make no arguments of their own, where they merely adopt a position presented to them from a position of authority parrot it without analysis. This has become frighteningly easy as atheism has adopted all the same techniques of religion for propagating itself. Such as the “how to argue with a theist” type pages. Which are not designed ot be informative so much as a way to make proselytizing easier.

Now I see no point in this. I believe argument and debate are innate skills indicative of personal mental capacity. I'm biased of course, but assuming this is the case then simply borrowing someone else's argument in total, rather than merely agreeing with a point and defending it with your own logic, is just the same to me as quoting the bible (or and considering the matter closed.

One should strive to remain open to new and correct data, this means a degree of incredulity and skepticism yes, but it also means critical thinking, and openness to the possibility of a previous idea being false. Too often the strong atheist camp has associated an open mind with a weak one, and while I agree one should not merely be a robot ready for programming one should also not be a statue incapable of change.

Such is the case of Parallaxblue. A statue if ever I've met one. And quite ironically given the topic of our debate, debating him was exactly like debating an intelligent theist, right down to the knee jerk reaction and the door begin slammed in my face. Closed doors, closed minds.

Rather than risk a requirement for total reassessment of his belief core, or recognition of a personal fault he terminated all possibly of easy contact.

Since my previous message was erased when he invoked this termination, I don't have the comment preceding this one. My previous message was in response to the following review, which he mentions later.

The debate he mentioned is this one.

Here we have the stumbleupon equivalent of taking your ball and going home or painting rules in big sloppy letters on the side of your clubhouse to piss off the cooties infested neighbor girl. And that is why it's being posted on this page, because this type of behavior in spirit is precisely the same as speaking to a person via a review, because no response can be made.

It's the same as covering your ears and then shouting at a person like children often do. 'I'm not listening poopie head!' Some things it seems we never out grow.

In all fairness this blog is probably just as childish, perhaps the equivalent of tattling. :)

You don't have permission to message this user.

This is the message it shows at the top when someone is blocked. Generally people send a little stab and then block a person so they cant respond, a cheap and effective way of getting the last word. But in this case I have a blog post dedicated to cataloging my responses to such underhandedness.

In any case, here we go. My reply.

10:56am Who has intentionally insulted who here? I'd say that by sharing your "honest" opinion of me, you're the one who was provocative and insulting in the first place.

You misunderstand what an insult is. I simply informed you of my feelings towards you. As I said in the reply that you wiped, I find it hilarious that in order to be treated civilly by you I have to both agree with everything you say and personally like you. I didn't realize being open about how I feel was such a taboo. Similarity #834,656 with the faiths you claim to hate.

Why honest in quotes? You think I'm lying?

And completely unwarranted provocation, I might add, since I did not insult you at all during the course of our debate.

You want a cookie? Of course you didn't, a debate is about an exchange of ideas, which is why I kept my personal feelings and opinions to myself, until our debate had concluded, at which point I had a bit of respect for you and felt you deserved to know how I felt about you as a matter of courtesy. Again, how dare I. I'll remember to lie to the next atheist I debate, to preserve their delicate sensibilities.

There was no reason for you to make that comment besides your own immaturity.

We're all children right up until we die, I intend to spend my life learning and playing. What you call maturity I call stagnation. I merely thought you deserved the truth even if you are a moron in my opinion.

But I realize what you mean, you feel it was rude/inappropriate/childish to say something that I knew would not be accepted with a smile. But that's a sophist trick, by that logic anything I say in opposition to you could be painted as rude or insulting, which is very much like the concept of sin, or that idea that religion is above debate. You have no right to control what I believe or say. You also have no right to lie about what I am.

Compare what each of us did. You made it a point to exaggerate your negative perceptions of me beyond all reasonability. An insult by definition is such an exaggeration, I merely expressed a negative opinion, I did not exaggerate one whit, what I typed is literally what I believe.

I was not trying to make you look any more foolish than I believe you actually are. Conversely, you know for a fact that I don't stand there and talk to myself in the mirror as the comic would suggest, nor is our debate a trivial Internet argument blown out of proportion, as your serious business link would suggest. A concept which I brought up first I might add with the enterprise/death star reference. Thief. We were talking about the the future of human psychology and the fundamental nature of our universe, no trivial matters.

Let me guess, now that you've been soundly trounced and had your pseudo-logic shown to be the baseless faith that it is, the debate no longer counts, its not serious, it's just the Internet, it's not like you actually have to reassess things now, you weren't really trying anyway, right? Are you sure I'm the one who's emotionally under developed?

You may think your opinion is trivial deep down because you don't have a foundation grant or a lab coat, but I suffer from no such classist and self defeating perceptions. My opinions are just as valid as Plato or Dawkins. And merely because they appear on the Internet does not trivialize them. In short the Internet in many cases is indeed serious business.

All I did in that review was point out what you yourself had already done: namely that you felt it was necessary to share your personal opinion of me after our debate, even though you must have known that any normal person would feel insulted if someone called them pretentious. It was a cheap shot, meant to provoke me, and very immature of you to do so.

As above, this is not your opinion of me. It is a mischaracterization intended to ridicule. In vengeance for, and greater than, the harm you felt I caused you. You merely want to win. I merely wanted to be clear and honest. I expected you to dislike it. I did not expect you to have a tantrum over it, I expected a reply of equal honesty.

Even though we disagreed (and still do) on whether or not God exists, I had respect for you until I read your comment at the end of the blog post.

*sigh* Still trying to straw man me, boy you're bitter. I'll ignore the low blow.

Again, in order to avoid begin insulted by you I have to both agree with you and like you or have a high opinion of you. But I don't, which in your mind makes it fair game to lie about my nature. Why don't you just call me a child molester too, or claim that I rape dead dogs or something. That's the same family of action you took, but I don't think you realize it.

Again, what I said about you is what I think to be true, what you said about me, neither of us thinks to be true. You want people to laugh at me, and for me to hurt, I wanted you to perhaps recognize a personal flaw and attempt to grow past it. In effect I said 'hey, your zipper is down', and you effectively said 'screw off pompous dimwit'. You understand? I'll bet my readers do.

As for your analysis of my personality based solely on my avatar.. well what can I say? With no evidence other than my avatar, you then leap to conclusions about my personality. Such hasty and inaccurate judgment speaks for itself, and it doesn't reflect well on you at all.

I have a great deal of evidence other than your avatar, or are you admitting that none of your arguments were your own and that your blog is devoid of content? You may wish to think that all I have to go on is your photo, but that's not the case. My opinion of you is well founded, and not trivially based as yours is, on our degree of mental parity, or personal enjoyment of each other. Not to mention years of experience in the field of human observation. Your knee jerk reaction merely confirms my position. Quick to judge, slow to change.

You have lost my respect. I have nothing more to say to you, and any further messages from you are now being ignored.

Fair enough, as we agreed before you took your ball and went home, history will be the judge. I just wanted to make my position clear for the record. And although you've posted and then ignored me insuring that I cannot respond. You're welcome to respond to this at any point.

Self Defense: Helsinkip

Helsinkip: They are advocating sex with children, you stupid wanker - but you admire their openness. Well good for you. Prick. News flash, legally speaking children are property and on-citizens. Want to show me the statute that says "children are property" - and what the FUCK does "on-citizens" mean, exactly? .

First of all they are advocating the right to have sex with children, which is significantly different. What you claim is like saying pro choice people encourage abortion. But I wouldn't be too shocked if drivel like that came out of your fingers as well. What I actually typed was non-citizens.

Which would you rather have? A squad of honest pedophiles that you know exactly who and where they are, or a group doing their level best to hide what they are and perhaps infiltrate our schools and churches? You're the type of moron that would have voted for prohibition, or sold popcorn at a witch burning. In order to control a thing you must first find a thing. Society's reaction to pedophilia, becomes moot if you've driven all the pedophiles into hiding. Why has it not occurred to any of you froth mouths that the FBI is probably monitoring that page?

Can you grasp the concept that you may in fact be helping the people you claim to hate?

As to children being property, I ask what jurisdiction would you like? Or is federal custody law good enough? Children have almost no rights. How many of them would continue to risk their lives in school if it were not a law? You're simply ignorant of the realities of life in America. And you're so addle-minded that you've forgotten what it was like to be a child. Fortunately for them some of us remember all too well.

Beyond all that is my core point, Free Speech means Free, period the end. You don't get to shut people up just because you find their opinion detestable. And conversely, they don't get to shut you up. That's how that is supposed to work.

Go watch demolition man to see the end of that slippery slope. If you start controlling speech pretty soon everything's illegal. Your ignorant lynch mob version of democracy makes my skin crawl.

Self Defense: Agent-fisher

Agent-fisher: How wrong was I, huh? He also likes using private PMs without permission. And a screencap proving it:

I don't need your permission to post my own words. You have no right to censor me, but given how our argument started I don't expect you to understand that. Others will.

Are you so ashamed of your own position? I'm rather proud of mine. Because I have confidence in its validity. If you have the desire to hide yours perhaps you should think about what that means. And don't play the martyr, this whole thing started with you triumphantly announcing your fascist hatred of free speech.

What is that screen cap supposed to prove?

You waived your right to protected conversation when you clicked send. I am not your priest, I am not your lawyer. If you don't like that, you have the right to remain silent.

Wake up kid, this is called the Internet.

Self Defense: Agent-fisher

Agent-fisher: How wrong was I, huh? He also likes using private PMs without permission. And a screencap proving it:

I don't need your permission to post my own words. You have no right to censor me, but given how our argument started I don't expect you to understand that. Others will.

Are you so ashamed of your own position? I'm rather proud of mine. Because I have confidence in its validity. If you have the desire to hide yours perhaps you should think about what that means. And don't play the martyr, this whole thing started with you triumphantly announcing your fascist hatred of free speech.

What is that screen cap supposed to prove?

You waived your right to protected conversation when you clicked send. I am not your priest, I am not your lawyer. If you don't like that, you have the right to remain silent.

Wake up kid, this is called the Internet.

Self Defense: Geckotape

Geckotape: You know, two strikes. Saying pedophilia is the least of children's concerns, as compared to exploitation in the media? You know what, fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you. Taking sex from a child destroys their mind, the body to follow. There is no greater harm you could do to a person. Fuck you. And fuck you.

Does it bother you that you've completely misunderstood what I said? Or are you happy to label me a monster without regard to the veracity of that claim? I think I already know the answer.

What I said was that the web page is the least of children's problems. Not rape. And as to no greater harm, I think you're over stating the matter. If forced to choose would you really pick death for your own child rather than statutory rape? If so I think that indicates an atrocious level of morbid preoccupation with sex.

I personally would rather be raped by deception and live to potentially seek vengeance than be murdered.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Internet tough guys and fighting like a man.

This is going to be so much fun. Here is my first exchange with a cyber thug of 2008. Enjoy :)

1:50pm Aren't you adorable, with your whole schitck of how awful marriage is to the concept of love...

For the record, that "bitch" I was sitting with would probably crush your jaw and break your arm in a reverse-armbar before you had the chance to pull that pretend gun you want to shoot her with.

Internet tough guys like you crack me right up.

I have no idea who you are or what you're talking about given your inability to cite a source, and that, makes this whole exchange all the more entertaining.

Since I don't have the slightest clue who you are or what provoked this I'm going to treat you conceptually. You are now every chest thumping “Internet badass” that has ever tried to use verbal descriptions of violence to impress themselves or anyone else.

Ironic that you would call me exactly what you've shown yourself to be. My online presence has my real face and full name and to my understanding the Internet tough guy thing requires anonymity.

So anyway, after my jaw is crushed and my arm is broken etc. Would you then poop in your hand and toss it at me as well? :)

It amazes me how some people doubt we've descended from chimps given your kind of behavior.

I can only assume this is how you guys solve your problems irl, and so often in fact that your first instinct is to try it online as well. You chest thump, and stomp around, and the adults around you let you have your way like some sort of rampaging toddler too big to be put to bed.

I mean really... Do you seriously expect that to work on the Internet? Am I supposed to be cowed into submission on the basis of imaginary violence? What is the desired reaction here? Am I to cry and beg your forgiveness? Perhaps lock all my doors and peer out my windows in abject terror of the righteous thrashing I've apparently earned at the hands of what I can only assume is your girlfriend? Or perhaps I'm supposed to reconsider my whole world view based merely on an abstract threat and thank you for enlightening me?

I'll bet you weren't even thinking that far ahead, if indeed you were thinking at all. Of course what you really want is a response in kind. You want me to antler bash with you and send back a message along the lines of “I'Ll STMOP YOUR ASSS FAG!!!!” so you can feel like you've won some sort of contest.

Am I right?

I hope this response won't be too much of a disappointment, but being that I'm clearly as far in advance of you, and most likely your mate, intellectually, as you are claiming to be in advance of me pugilistically, it's the only kind you're likely to get.

You see, you've not pissed me off personally. In fact you've given me about 20 minutes of entertainment. That's how long it took me to stop laughing, and then post this response to my blog.

I'm not tough. Nor did I ever claim to be. You see, I'm an adult and I haven't had to use violence since the 7th grade. I find that people only use the body when someone's mind fails. I surround myself with mature and intelligent people, and I act accordingly, and so fighting isn't a big part of my day except in the verbal sense.

I don't mean role played imaginary wrestling matches where I get a reverse arm bar, (whatever the hell kind of spandex-clad redneck-ballet crap that is), like you clearly indulge in, I mean the real fight, the one that matters, the clash of ideas.

I wish you were aware of how silly you look, others soon will be.

Since you brought up firearms, I'm going to use this opportunity to speak about “fighting like a man” which is a phrase I can easily imagine your type using. What you and your ilk don't seem to understand is that the whole point of a fight is to win, and the whole point of a weapons is to insure that win.

A weapon is by definition an unfair advantage. If I felt that my life was in danger you wouldn't have a chance to respond if I had any control over the situation at all. Thats how a weapon, any weapon, works. Be it claw, spear, firearm, arrow, cunning, or intelligence. A tiger has stripes, and a lion is yellow so he can back-stab his prey.

Humans are predators and are thus designed to hunt, not defend against being hunted.

You don't use a weapon for an antler bashing ritual. This is not pistols and paces at dawn. Notice that even in real life antler bashing rituals, the males never try to impale their competitor. Your ignorance of the fundamental nature of competition is telling.

I'm proud of who I am and what I have to say, and if you and those like you took 30 seconds to consider it critically, rather than thumping your chest like a primate in heat, you might either come to agree with me or find a flaw I have missed, in which case at least one of us would learn something

From my perspective its obvious that you and your kind despise your life, are deeply insecure about yourselves generally and are angry at those like me for pointing out the naked emperor. You'd rather walk around looking like a total moron so long as everyone around you is scared to point it out.

Cheers. :)