joethepeacock1:50pm Aren't you adorable, with your whole schitck of how awful marriage is to the concept of love...
For the record, that "bitch" I was sitting with would probably crush your jaw and break your arm in a reverse-armbar before you had the chance to pull that pretend gun you want to shoot her with.
Internet tough guys like you crack me right up.
I have no idea who you are or what you're talking about given your inability to cite a source, and that, makes this whole exchange all the more entertaining.
Since I don't have the slightest clue who you are or what provoked this I'm going to treat you conceptually. You are now every chest thumping “Internet badass” that has ever tried to use verbal descriptions of violence to impress themselves or anyone else.
Ironic that you would call me exactly what you've shown yourself to be. My online presence has my real face and full name and to my understanding the Internet tough guy thing requires anonymity.
So anyway, after my jaw is crushed and my arm is broken etc. Would you then poop in your hand and toss it at me as well? :)
It amazes me how some people doubt we've descended from chimps given your kind of behavior.
I can only assume this is how you guys solve your problems irl, and so often in fact that your first instinct is to try it online as well. You chest thump, and stomp around, and the adults around you let you have your way like some sort of rampaging toddler too big to be put to bed.
I mean really... Do you seriously expect that to work on the Internet? Am I supposed to be cowed into submission on the basis of imaginary violence? What is the desired reaction here? Am I to cry and beg your forgiveness? Perhaps lock all my doors and peer out my windows in abject terror of the righteous thrashing I've apparently earned at the hands of what I can only assume is your girlfriend? Or perhaps I'm supposed to reconsider my whole world view based merely on an abstract threat and thank you for enlightening me?
I'll bet you weren't even thinking that far ahead, if indeed you were thinking at all. Of course what you really want is a response in kind. You want me to antler bash with you and send back a message along the lines of “I'Ll STMOP YOUR ASSS FAG!!!!” so you can feel like you've won some sort of contest.
Am I right?
I hope this response won't be too much of a disappointment, but being that I'm clearly as far in advance of you, and most likely your mate, intellectually, as you are claiming to be in advance of me pugilistically, it's the only kind you're likely to get.
You see, you've not pissed me off personally. In fact you've given me about 20 minutes of entertainment. That's how long it took me to stop laughing, and then post this response to my blog.
I'm not tough. Nor did I ever claim to be. You see, I'm an adult and I haven't had to use violence since the 7th grade. I find that people only use the body when someone's mind fails. I surround myself with mature and intelligent people, and I act accordingly, and so fighting isn't a big part of my day except in the verbal sense.
I don't mean role played imaginary wrestling matches where I get a reverse arm bar, (whatever the hell kind of spandex-clad redneck-ballet crap that is), like you clearly indulge in, I mean the real fight, the one that matters, the clash of ideas.
I wish you were aware of how silly you look, others soon will be.
Since you brought up firearms, I'm going to use this opportunity to speak about “fighting like a man” which is a phrase I can easily imagine your type using. What you and your ilk don't seem to understand is that the whole point of a fight is to win, and the whole point of a weapons is to insure that win.
A weapon is by definition an unfair advantage. If I felt that my life was in danger you wouldn't have a chance to respond if I had any control over the situation at all. Thats how a weapon, any weapon, works. Be it claw, spear, firearm, arrow, cunning, or intelligence. A tiger has stripes, and a lion is yellow so he can back-stab his prey.
Humans are predators and are thus designed to hunt, not defend against being hunted.
You don't use a weapon for an antler bashing ritual. This is not pistols and paces at dawn. Notice that even in real life antler bashing rituals, the males never try to impale their competitor. Your ignorance of the fundamental nature of competition is telling.
I'm proud of who I am and what I have to say, and if you and those like you took 30 seconds to consider it critically, rather than thumping your chest like a primate in heat, you might either come to agree with me or find a flaw I have missed, in which case at least one of us would learn something
From my perspective its obvious that you and your kind despise your life, are deeply insecure about yourselves generally and are angry at those like me for pointing out the naked emperor. You'd rather walk around looking like a total moron so long as everyone around you is scared to point it out.
Cheers. :)
Okay, you want context?
ReplyDeleteLet's start at the beginning:
Most notably, this little ditty from you:
Innomen rated 12 days ago
This bitch he's sitting with needs to be shot in the face. Being an asshole does not make you strong. "She had her chance and lost it. You're mine now. She doesn't get another one." Excuse me tramp, but i'm not a buick. "I was absolutely flattered. I mean, I know she's my wife and everything, but I have never seen her act quite that way. It's a very pleasant thought that someone, even if you are married to them, still considers you worth fighting for." And you're a total fucking tool. This whole story is a GRAND example of how monogamy turns innocent love into a fucking travesty. This whole story is disgusting and classist.
Those are your words, in response to a story about my wife expressing her feelings for me at an Olive Garden.
Wow. You're deep, man. Deep.
Let me tell you what I see: we have a pseudo-intellectual posting a comment on a story (that he chose to read, mind you, instead of just... You know... Stopping, since he apparently disliked it). And in this comment, he decided to advocate that my wife be shot in the head. Then, he calls me (the author) a tool.
And when I respond that your comment isn't appreciated by letting you know a) that your theories on monogamy are ill-founded and b) your attempt to shoot "that bitch" (my wife) in the head would lead to severe physical harm BY HER, you launch into a tirade about my chest-pounding, ending with this utter nonsense about my apparent lack of self-worth.
Well done. You win an internet cookie.
Look dude, my only point is to let you know that this place - the playground you've decided to go pissing all over as your territory (we who have been here a while call it the "internet") isn't nearly as anonymous or as open-fielded as you apparently think it is. You post a comment advocating violence against the subject of a real-life story, call that story's author a tool, and then get all up in arms when he calls you out on it?
People like you who stay holed up in their little self-made ivory towers with a broadband connection and a longing to inflict themselves upon people at your will really do deserve an ass beating. I'm not saying I'm going to give you one, nor do I have any longing to even meet you... I'm just saying that, much like every other wormy little bastard who shouts insults from the sidelines but can't back them up, you do deserve an ass beating. But don't feel too special, there's quite a number of others out there I think deserve one too, like Fred Durst, or Republicans.
You want to engage in a battle of the wits? Fine. You want to wage internet war and see who can out-blog who? Fine. You'll win, because after this comment, I have no intention of dealing with you any further. My only point here is to let you know that I'm not going to go into hiding simply because you posted my comment on your little blog so your mom and her quilting circle can read it with pride and say "There's Brandon, standing up for himself after kicking dirt at someone! Go Brandon!"
Ultimately, you're going to find some cute way to identify my response as some sort of "slavethink" (and honestly, isn't it time to grow up and realize that this whole "I wish I was Tyler Durden!!!!!" thing is played? The only honest benefit you'll ever be to society is to quit this self-aggrandizing and just DO SOME GOOD WITH YOUR LIFE, instead of sitting in your armchair and advocating blindly into the abyss of the internet that people free their minds. You want to do some good? Get out of your own head and go lift a ladle at a soup kitchen). And that's fine, feel free to cognitize your own context into my messages. Post your insanely insightful and way-too-smart-for-the-rest-of-us thoughts here. Then, your little internal universe will, once again, be at balance and you can sleep soundly tonight... Alone.
For one “most notably” is a phrase usually used to designate the significance of a part of something, such as listing the chief complaint in a lengthy list. But you pasted the whole thing verbatim, so that was pretentious and redundant.
ReplyDeleteMoving on.
At least I know what you're talking about now.
For one the shooting was figurative, but I don't expect you to understand that metaphor since your typical response is to totally chicken out like you did at the table when it came time to call your wife out on being a mean spirited brat, or to use you fists and beat some ass.
And for the record, since some things you apparently have to explain as if to children, I don't actually want to kill anyone, because its the ideas I have a problem with, and you can't kill an idea directly. I deeply love people, I just hate some of the things that they think. Kinda like hating the plague without wanting to shotgun the carrier.
For two, I'm sure you are right about her physically attacking me, clearly she's child enough to pull a stunt like that if she's too insecure to adultly handle meeting her husbands boyhood crush. She clearly is as insecure as you are. Co-dependence for the win.
For three, your story was stumbled to me and I had nothing better to do at the time. Also I try to read things completely before I make a judgment. After having read the whole thing I expressed my opinion, case closed. This same logic of yours could be applied to my review of the story, if YOU don't like it why don't YOU just keep your mouth shut? Same rules apply. It's called equality, you know, that thing you totally don't have with your mate and her no doubt large collection of double standards.
“And when I respond that your comment isn't appreciated by letting you know a) that your theories on monogamy are ill-founded and b) your attempt to shoot "that bitch" (my wife) in the head would lead to severe physical harm BY HER, you launch into a tirade about my chest-pounding, ending with this utter nonsense about my apparent lack of self-worth.”
You are aware that I directly quoted your first message right? And that its on display just above this comment? Your response speaks for itself and its no where near as rational as you clearly wish it was. :)
You are chest pounding, and you do have a self esteem issue, I know because you married what appears to be a mean jealous insecure shrew. Consider how low your opinion is of me, now consider that you're responding to me at all. Once again I get to link to my favorite picture on the Internet.
“...the playground you've decided to go pissing all over as your territory (we who have been here a while call it the "internet") isn't nearly as anonymous or as open-fielded as you apparently think it is. “
Uhh, wasn't it I who brought up anonymity? You really are the biggest hypocrite in the world aren't you. The name's Brandon, not “dude”. My whole point was that I'm not trying to be anonymous. And didn't you just get done telling me that I'm not allowed to comment negatively, that I should just keep my mouth shut? Make up your mind.
“People like you (blah blah blah) really do deserve an ass beating. “
You're still trying to solve what is basically an intellectual problem with your fists. Why does it not surprise me that you actually have a mate? Would your name be “Upgrayedd “ by any chance?
“I'm just saying that, much like every other wormy little bastard who shouts insults from the sidelines but can't back them up, you do deserve an ass beating. “
Back them up? I assume you don;t mean with logical rigor, because I have plenty of that, no I expect you mean in the gym class kinda way, like I'm right because I can hit harder. :)
Sidelines? As I've said again and again, I'm doing what I do completely above board and right in your face. As I said, thats my face on my blog, and my name is Brandon Sergent.
Little? In what way? Physically I'm fairly good sized, 6'4” 232, but I'm quick to add that I'm not in shape and have no fighting skills what so ever (that I know of, having never fought since I was 4'11). Do you mean mentally? Objectively speaking I have a 92% chance of being “smarter” than you assuming we're of roughly equal age. But like Asimov asks, what is intelligence anyway?
I'm not ashamed of anything I've ever said because I have an open mind, I am always learning, and I don't defend my position simply because it is mine, I defend it because I think it is right, if you can demonstrate that it is not, you'll quickly find me on your side.
Nor am I afraid of you or anyone else. Come kick my ass, I don't care. Even if you blow my brains all over the nearest wall thats the only way you have to combat me. My ideas are already out there. Even if you utterly erase me, too many people will remember, and they may not even recall where those ideas came from. I don't need credit or fame.
You don't have the mind power for any other mode of attack. I do not buy into the lie our masters would have us believe of acknowledging self worth as being an illness, or a personal flaw. I'm more ethical, compassionate, intelligent, and honest than you'll ever be. That's simply the way it is, because you choose to defend your stagnation rather than remain open to new and better modes of thought. Live as a slave, ashamed of thoughts of self worth that are not justified by the television if you will. I refuse.
“You'll win, because after this comment, I have no intention of dealing with you any further. “
Not at all surprising that you'd give up so easily. After all thats what marriage is these days, giving up on the search for the one perfect mate, which cannot exist, and settling for either a lie, or second best.
“My only point here is to let you know that I'm not going to go into hiding (etc)...”
My mom reads crime investigation novels, she doesn't knit. :) And you're already in hiding, and you're pissed at me for pointing it out. If you're so open, lets have your name, since I already gave everyone mine. :) Oh but thats right you've washed your hands of me.
“Ultimately, you're going to find some cute way to identify my response as some sort of "slavethink"...”
Correct. Beyond what I've mentioned so far, you've used the tired old saw “quit writing and do something.” Like I've never heard that before from people utterly terrified by my conclusions.
Well writing IS what I do. And like speaking it can have a HUGE impact on the world, especially given that writing is immortal. Candy striping a cancer ward is going to do nothing but make me feel good about myself. I'm trying to educate people (or learn about it myself via contradiction) on the nature of the system as a whole. And before you assume I don't engage in your worthless idea of charity, ask yourself which one of us spent Christmas in a nursing home despite the absence of any relatives in a nursing home.
The system is evil, you cant just go out and help people without helping it. The problem is not that simple. Soup kitchens by and large are run by churches, and I don't have the funding to start an agnostic one, and I'm not gonna play a game that is corrupt from the start with some kind of bullshit “the ends justify the means” logic just so I can get go into moral debt to get out of a fiscal one.
No, there is nothing to be done quickly and easily except exit and educate, and thats what I am doing. I don't expect you to understand any of that. It's too adult a puzzle for you, but you are not alone, hence my work. Some are open minded and thank me for it, some simply don't care, and some, like you attack me as if its my fault that reality is as I'm portraying it. Most, aren't even born yet. The crowd I'm speaking to is currently having its diaper changed or doesn't exist yet.
“Post your insanely insightful and way-too-smart-for-the-rest-of-us thoughts here. Then, your little internal universe will, once again, be at balance and you can sleep soundly tonight... Alone.”
Correct. I'd rather be alone than live as property. You take your path, I'll take mine. Our species wins. It's needs our diversity. I deeply pity you and all men who've bought the lie that they are nothing without a woman. I pity you as much as the architects of the woman's liberation movement pitied the beaten house wives with no concept of a way out.
You are just as lost.
P.S. I'm Deeply thrilled I got your attention. I still think you're a tool for putting up with her bullshit. *shrugs* Hate me if ya like.