Friday, June 27, 2008

Self Defense: OptimizeMe

And this weeks grandstanding insecurity example for whom personal messages aren't good enough is... *drum roll* OptimizeMe Yay!! You win free press! :)

This week's entry is a little unusual in that I still like the guy and every message to him from me has been positive. Just goes to show, some people are mean no matter what you do. Oh well at least he's funny and an excellent troll, he even almost pissed me off, despite my knowing exactly how this works.

On with the show!

I started things off, with this this review...

Apr 16, 10:42am Social hacker of the first order with a bit of a temper issue and loads more cynicism than even I've got. His heart's in the right place though, credit where credit is due.

A living example of the T-shirt, if you're not angry you're not paying attention.

And then sent him a personal message, because I consider it a common courtesy (I'm the only one on SU who does this apparently) to send the person I review the work that inspired my review...

Apr 16, 10:44am


You might like my work.

To which he responded by (as you might have guess given this posts locations) by messaging me in the form of a review, an action SU has yet to provide adequate mechanism of response for.

Apr 17, 6:25am
Come up with your own ideas.

Hehehe... My next personal message to him was as follows.

Since we're going to talk to each other publicly.

Dear OptimizeMe

Hate me all you like I still think you're funny. :)

My own ideas eh?

So you honestly think that I completely missed the objectification of women, of which the sale of children as sex objects is but a small part, until I saw your two paragraphs... yesterday? At which point I figured that now would be a good time to stop whatever I was doing before and copy your work with all possible haste so as to forever plant a flag with my name on it, firmly in the women's rights issue, thus naturally leading to a noble peace prize, high schools named after me, and the respect of women for generations?

As plausible as all that is, no. I've been talking about, and more importantly writing about, this topic for my entire adult life. In fact the portion of my book in question, while posted on scribed a mere few months ago, was written when I was still in my first year of college based on conversation I regularly had in IRC in the mid 90s heh.

This is particularly amusing as roughly half my work as my readers know focuses on human mate selection in America and the west generally, of which the above issue is a substantial part.

Examples are scattered all over my SU account, this blog and my book.

But I recognize the mark of a truly talented troll. You first choose something obvious about the person and then claim the opposite or attack it in someway. Like attacking a retired marine for lack of patriotism or something. Since you don't actually believe it yourself you're free to respond in whatever way you wish to make the other person look foolish for even trying, the subject will often flounder because central traits are often in the mind of the person axiomatic and they have not given any thought to the matter of how to prove it if pressed. Like imagine if someone accused you of not being your gender or race, how exactly would you prove it with words?

I've been on SU for two years and haven't encounter a troll yet, much less a good one. You force people to think. Regardless of whats going on in your head.

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