interesting... ill be following your blog with mild scorn and amusement in equal measure..
im sorry that you cannot find anyone to match your intellect among your peers..
but at least it must be nice to know that you live in a world populated with people with inflated views of there own self worth and higher intelligence..
You claim to wish to help humanity but you show contempt and disrespect for those you wish to help..
You seem very misogynistic with an unhealthy, sometimes threatening obsession for young women..
confused,egotistical possibly delusional ... future serial killer or future president???
Edit after reading further reading*
To all of yo who believe that this fool speaks anything of value..
His verbal and mental abuse of women via stumbleupon is evidence of a personality defect.
He is a bully and a masochist!
The fragments and essays which he is writing, while containing some truth and valuable information come to some conclusions which suggest possible psychosis.
Do not believe this man to be free thinker he is as much a product of society as the rest of us!
Insulting people for having interests differnt to yours and making judgements on how others live there lives and you are on the road to a dictatorship..
I could go on oand on about his racism, sexism, bigotry, superiority, sexually motivated predatory behavior...
but ill simply say
You are not the answer my friend you and your ilk are the ones that created the problems!
My response...
"(I'm) sorry that you cannot find anyone to match your intellect among your peers.."Me too.
" least it must be nice to know that you live in a world populated with people with inflated views of there own self worth and higher intelligence."
No, it's not.
"You claim to wish to help humanity but you show contempt and disrespect for those you wish to help. "
Humanity isn't a colonial mold, we have segments. Some I loath some I deeply wish to protect.
"You seem very misogynistic with an unhealthy, sometimes threatening obsession for young women. "You're not paying attention, or are working from a very limited dataset.
"The fragments and essays which he is writing, while containing some truth and valuable information come to some conclusions which suggest possible psychosis. "That's true to some extent, The psychological community has long been a servant of The Company and it's three parts, Government, Corporation, and Religion. Long has the claim of mental illness been used as a bludgeon by these groups. However, I would have you explore the scientific validity of psychology in general as a separate entity from neurology.
To me the psychological community is more of a political entity then a scientific one. One need look no further then it's stance on religion, which under any objective measure would be treated as psychosis. One could also explore its sordid history and discover that its flaws are not so much the fault of its practitioners, but more a general systemic failure.
"Do not believe this man to be (a) free thinker he is as much a product of society as the rest of us!"
False dichotomy. Of course I am a product of society. But one does not have to be excluded from society to be a free thinker.
"Insulting people for having interests (different) (from) yours and making (judgments) on how others live (their) lives and you are on the road to a dictatorship."Agreed. Luckily, I do no such thing.
"I could go on (and) on about his racism, sexism, bigotry, superiority, sexually motivated predatory behavior... "
Just because my views anger some women does not mean I am a sexist. The term is abused. Sexism is very specific. This claim is ironic to the point of hilarity coming from the man who's blog is riddled with women-as-objects photography.
I challenge you to showcase a single example of bigotry or racism. That claim is purely slander.
As to my "predatory sexual motivations", I'm going to have to go either willful misunderstanding or projection.
The bulk of my work is in fact critical of that type of behavior. Long have I complained that women on the one hand attack men as violent brutish thugs, while on the other subsidizing the most violent of us with sex and children, to the point of visiting prisons to do so while kinder gentler smarter men remain unloved and unsexed outside prison walls.
No doubt, like all others of limited intellectual capacity you'll interpret that as a symptom of sexual frustration on my part, but rest assured nothing could be further from the truth. I'll simply say, I get what I require.
"You are not the answer my friend you and your ilk are the ones that created the problems! "I never said I was the answer, I said I have the answer. And in a word the answer is technology. Beyond that, of course people like me have created the problems. In order for a problem to exist you must have conflict. Society has long be plagued by forward thinkers. Society by its nature resist innovation of any sort, because of its need for stability. Innovation is inherently destabilizing. It's a delicate balance that will grow harder and harder to maintain. I question weather it should be maintained at all.
Thank you for reading my work, even if your motivations are bias, and your conclusions, incorrect.
I send you this message not as an attack and nor will i block you from replying.. I'm quite happy for you to post any of my communications any where you see fit as i have nothing to hide and am not ashamed of my views or intimidated.
That is quite laudable, and I honestly applaud that attitude. More people should share it. It is not my goal to intimidate anyone.
I'm replying publicly because you raise good points and I'd like to share my responses for the record.
By the same note I'm not intimidated by your clever use of words or your large fan base, Hitler had a lot of fans and so did George w at one point...
You appear to resent my vocabulary. I get that from time to time. But I must take the hard road on this one. While I strongly encourage user friendliness, and shun intentional obfuscation of a point behind jargon, that is not what I'm doing here. This is truly how I think and speak. The only way I could make it simpler is to not talk about these subjects at all. In this instance if you don't like what I have to say, simply change the channel.
If you truly believe that you are helping then you are deluding your self..
Why do you think that? Others disagree, but granted this is not a vote. What evidence would you present to defend that assertion? Besides, why assume my timetable is so short? I'm trying to help people in the future far more then those alive today.
Why do you find it offensive to display sexual imagery and how does this support monogamy??
I have no problem with sexual imagery, I do have a problem with sexual imagery obviously glorifying the couple or trying to pass itself off as romantic, artistic or “beautiful”.
It supports monogamy because it further casts women as the carrot on the end of a very long stick. I'm tired of being told by implication and imagery that hot young women are somehow better then anything on earth being that they are vessels of the ephemeral and eternal “love” and “beauty”.
It's a con, plan and simple. “Love,” in the American mind is little more then fashion and pimping. A rap video and a jail bait demotivational gone horribly wrong. I pay Ferrari, I get to fuck a teen model. You honestly don't see something wrong there? Why don't I have the option of just paying her directly? What does who I pay make any difference? Why must I choose base don sex appeal? Why must she choose based on income, or power?
Freedom of thought is the basis for a truly enlightened human race.. I do believe you to be intelligent... But your superiority complex and lack of humanity is clear for all to see.. You claim not to judge people but i read reviews you have given where you judge and demean claiming some kind of supreme authority over peoples motivations...
I'm not always diligent on my qualifications of statements. As I assume a degree of past readership, but let me just say that I was most probably not attacking the people, but rather ideas and opinions expressed by said people, which I consider to be distinct entities. One can attack an idea and leave the person alone. This fact is lost, since neither formal debate skill nor logic are commonly taught.
Calling a women an attention whore, as if she prostitutes herself for fans on a website.. mmm
Maybe she likes nude art, erotica or straight up pornography, that is her right as a human being and this website is designed for..
Granted, but there is a great burden of responsibility when you suddenly have a voice that reaches 800 people. It becomes self indulgent to waste the opportunity. Now, I'm not saying stop what you're doing, I'm simply saying pepper it with something of value. I'm also saying think about what you're advocating. People radically misunderstand the consequences of enforced monogamy. Among which partially are sexually driven serial rape and murder, in addition to child abuse. (each long and complex subjects, of which I am happy to speak on separately, if you would like.) And it is a valid question to explore why people like things.
If you do not like someones interests or politics move on .. Why do you feel the need to personally attack peoples character??
Because character is largely composed of ideas. Society is a construct built of our collective behaviors. Ethics change over time, and I'm trying to guide them in a direction I consider beneficial for all. I am not content to merely float along in the stream, I wish to build a canal, so to speak.
oh why am i wasting my time to psychoanalyze you.. Psychiatry may be a scam, religion too and government, morals may be control, ethics a lie, marriage a cage, capitalism a machine, peace a dream and technology the closest thing well get to god or heaven or transcending the flesh..
It's not a waste of time if either of us learn something. I know I'm learning, and I hope you are as well. And since you've so nobly given me permission to publicize this, our words will continue to cause learning, and maybe even entertain. This was not pointless.
Or maybe were all just human beings with base needs and desires scrambling to spread our DNA and in doing so were are manipulated by powers older and wiser than we.. I do believe that these puppet masters exist pulling the strings from ivory towers, manipulating governments and the media changing our thoughts and beliefs...
And I would agree 100%. But, trust yourself. That wisdom that you think they have, is largely a claim without proof.
but those who wish the good of mankind have always been able to relate to the weak and the ignorant and offer support and advice to those in need.. To believe you are are a philosopher and deep thinker and have the answers mankind is searching for is an ego trip..
Again, evidence. I'm of the opinion that the culture of piety is largely a constraint designed to keep people meek, and quiet. No, I am a philosopher and I am a deep thinker, and I will not be brow beaten into feigning shame.
First learn humility and compassion for all people...
I have a level of compassion for people that I think you're incapable or unwilling to see. I have compassion in a very general way for the whole of my species over all of time. Humility is not joined to compassion. To use a nerd analogy, lawful and chaotic can both be good. :)
Secondly semantics, grammar and clever use of language does not prove an argument, so intellectually bullying people into submission is cheating, To win is to convince your opponent of the validity of your argument..
I disagree, to win is to prove the point, or demonstrate its strength is greater then your opponents. Your opponent need not agree to be proven wrong. A simple look at religious debate will show that. There is no convincing some people, and their stubbornness or closed mindedness has no impact on the validity of the points under discussion. In short I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to the readers.
Finally stop using the comments about us not getting you because we are not intelligent enough, its petty and immature and manipulative, a simple mind fuck.. If you want to make people understand speak to them on there level.
As I said above, some things cannot be simplified further. This demand for the whole of human knowledge crushed into a 30 second sound byte is unreasonable Some topics are simply too complex to deliver in such a fast food manner.
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