somebody rated 13 hours ago• Hide Review
- I could almost ignore the veiled undertone of misogyny, but copypasting lyrics by A Perfect Circle is well beyond the pale. Also, SU people I respect seem to think that you're an ass.
Gotta love yet another drive by. What is it about plugging your ears and yelling at someone that is so appealing to those with double digit IQs? Anyway...
Heh, Someone you "respect" or lust after? I'm betting this is an example, numbered best in scientific notation, of a yet another would be hero prince charming attacking the evil black hat bad guy to save the charming sexually appealing, and hopefully grateful, innocent little girl princess.
Misogyny, again.
Ironic considering the song is about saving a girl from an abusive relationship. And a general indication of my feeling that ALL relationships are abusive.
Ironic also that the motivations for this sort of attack are usually very corrosive to the idea of women not being objects. (or victim damsel princesses that need saving so long as they are cute, for example)
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