Thursday, March 20, 2008

From pedophilia to free speech in 5 petitions flat.

Archive of conversation stemming from this Stumbleupon review.


So I'm a fascist for wanting this site of the net?

No you’re a fascist for wanting ideas that are damaging to the state to be illegal to talk about.

I really don't think so. Pedophilia is illegal, and endorsement of it is too.

So is drug use, I don’t see your petition to delete high times. Besides since when does legality dictate ethics? Have you personally decided that pedophilia is wrong, or are you letting the government do it for you? Is pedophilia a choice? Is homosexuality? It was illegal for a long time as well you know. You’re simply not being rational. You’re waving a torch and looking for a witch.

If pedophilia is not a legitimate sexual difference, then its merely mental illness, and should be censored about as much as pages about Elvis being an alien. Your reaction justifies their position. You've given the page FAR more attention than it would have otherwise and aided them in the enlistment of support they otherwise never would have had, like from people like me. You made it a free speech issue when you dragged in censorship. You've helped them more than they ever could have. Your desire for control has caused you to lose it.

You've become this guy.

I really don't understand how can you equate pedophilia with spanking.(I'm agaunst that too as you already know.)

That’s because you’re ignorant. I’d normally be happy to enlighten you, but if you don’t already know, I have my doubts about if you’re even capable. And since you don’t understand the spirit of free speech or the political and social reality of limiting it, how can I possibly expect you to understand equal protection under the law which is a far more esoteric concept, and is at the very heart of the spanking debate.

I agree that there are other horrible things that can befall children and this is one of them.

Some guy writing a page talking about something is a horrible thing happening to them? That's unimaginably insulting to all the children who actually have had horrible things happen to them. You think I made up the Ritalin thing?

This is a simple issue of a content being illegal.

No, it’s an issue of what’s right. This is where your fascism comes into play. Illegal is simply something the state does not want you to do, and now you want it ok to be illegal to even TALK about illegal things, that's fascist. Protesting can be disturbing the peace, outing misconduct of your leaders can be a threat to national security, treating your cancer with marijuana can be possession of narcotics. Legality is irrelevant.

They're not just thinking about having sex with children and no one wants them for a hate crime, they are actively promoting pedophilia.

Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t apply to sexual deviants eh? The only thing that page proves is that someone made a page that advocates an unpopular position. And as I said in my review, you don’t even know the intention of the author for sure, much less the crimes, if any, this mysterious ‘they’ you speak of, may or may not have committed.

As you know, open invitations to violence and illegal conduct are not protected by Freedom of speech.

Again, Fascism. Defense of the state is not why we have freedom of speech. We have freedom of speech because it’s a concession we implicitly force them to give us. IE, in exchange for their tolerance of whatever we have to say, we let them rule us.

Your position that simply because something is illegal it cannot be promoted is absurd. Look at the law, things that are currently illegal are promoted daily, it’s called lobbying and it’s a main point of the legislative process. But before that can begin you must talk about it. And the internet is the best tool for that ever built.

You’re straw manning their position. Sexual law and what defines an adult changes from state to state, and indeed from person to person if you ask me. Effectively what they’re advocating is civil rights issue. While I agree that their reasoning is detestable, again, I say, as American sentient humans they have the right to do so and if you don’t like it you can make a page of your own explaining it and no one (should) will censor you for it.

To ask the government to fight that battle for you is weak, disgusting, and dangerous.Are you so afraid of their view that you think it must be buried?

Face it, you’ve been taken in by hate mongering. And a fox news style vision of what free expression means.


I don't recall giving you the liberty to publish parts of our private correspondence.

Heh, I don't recall asking, I'll publish what I please, if you don't like it petition me to be censored.

Nevertheless, you are mistaken. Calling me ignorant and fascist is not making your claims any more valid.

No it doesn't, hence the detailed logic I backed my claims up with that does. You apparently ignored those parts, I guess some people are equipped with internal censorship.

I am abhorred that you would equate homosexuality with pedophilia. Where one is a relation between two consenting adults, the other is ALWAYS abuse.

Why? Both are genetically driven sexual aberrations of dynamic social tolerance, no more a choice for the host than eye color. Pedophilia is no more a guarantee of child abuse than being heterosexual guarantee's you'll rape coeds. The only difference is pedophilia have an extremely limited outlet for their desire, since assholes like you make even drawings stories and fiction on the subject illegal dude to your delicate sensibility.

You're blinded by the ego boost of howling for blood with the crowd. You think yourself above animal hate, and that ignorance is dangerous. You're like the bigot trying to justify hatred with crime statistics.

Besides, it's circular. Of course its always abuse, you invalidate their consent by claiming that a child is not a person and can therefor not give consent. But the fact is, some children are smarter and wiser than some adults will ever be. Judging adulthood by chronological distance from birth is outmoded, lazy, and boils down to age discrimination. Don't pretend that consent is the issue. You simply want to make decisions for others. I sympathize believe me, but my freedom depends on their freedom and you're smart enough to recognize that. You're simply being an armchair hero, defending the poor innocent little princess doll baby in your mind from the big bad evil barbed cock monsters drolling and jerking off at her window in big black hats. It's intellectual masturbation pure and simple.

Some guy writing a page talking about something is a horrible thing happening to them? That's unimaginably insulting to all the children who actually have had horrible things happen to them.

I wasn't talking about that site per se; but about pedophilia in general.

But you're attacking the site using arguments that only apply to child rape. You've deliberately mixed your target to distract from the fact that your point is hopelessly flawed. You attack someone's free speech and then try to paint their speech as child rape when the point is speech is not rape, even if it's about, or in support of rape.

In short-- we have a site that promotes and glorifies not only illegal but morally unacceptable and violent, abusive behavior. The site needs to go down.

Others would disagree, and they have as much right as you do to speak, hence the 1st amendment. The Internet is not Disney. And you simply don't have the right to demand that the world think as you do. Your rights end where other's begin, fail to grasp that at your own peril.

Aren't we all that guy?

No. Some of us fight for others, even when they are wrong in our opinion.


I'll be reporting you to StumbleUpon for TOS violation.

I don't need to "petition" you for anything.

Since our debate is a waste of time I will be blocking you now.

Good luck, since I didn't use your name. And I didn't mean petition me genius, I meant petition the government via your ineffectual little petition site. And the debate itself was not a waste of time, attempting to convince you personally of anything, is the waste of time.

Thank you for playing and admitting defeat gracefully :)

1 comment:

  1. It is really quite frightening how liberal and intellectual people can turn into frothing pitchfork wielders, turning against their own accepted truths if the goblin presented to them is gruesome enough. I can sympathize with the sentiment to a degree, but I agree with you 100%.
