Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wasted Opportunity: (name withheld by polite request)

This post is the first in a series that will archive my conversations with those whom I feel are wasting a golden opportunity to reach people, and instead spend it on self centered, futile and shallow pursuits.

Our first subject is a very attractive young lady, who for that reason and others has amassed nearly 1000 fans on the stumbleupon social networking site.

You'll notice that while I speak of society and ideas they will speak of me personally, this is a theme that will repeat itself I'm sure.

Her blog is one of a very common type, well formatted and very appealing to look at, that has a variety of font sizes and colors, something that's somewhat difficult to do on stumble without third party tools, or basic html skills.

And while I of course grant that everyone has the freedom to do as they wish so long as that action harms no one, I must express my distaste for those who have the power to help, but feel that aesthetically pleasing is sufficient.

Our conversation is on going and she still may prove me wrong... but here's what we have so far...


My initial review.

As much as I love Klassy and feel physical pain in attacking someone she likes, I must speak out on yet another lifted art, poetry, lyrics, pretty girl with a thousand fans, blog.

It's so cheap!

Man I wish doing something productive for your species was as popular as selling this idea that we're justified in the pain and horror we cause, because some of us know how to smear dyes on canvas, string together meaningless emotional words, or sing.

I'm sorry, but I've just gotta say it. Artistic skill in a world where people still starve to death is decadent, wasteful, snobbish, and disgusting. And as a writer I recognize that I am equally useless. But at least i realize it, and try to do something for the rest of my species. At least what I write at least tries to be helpful, in the here and now practical sense.

If I had a 15th the following these people have I could have solved the power problem by now and laid the foundation for a colony on mars.

This inability to prioritize is what's going to kill us.


Our resulting conversation, which starts at the bottom...



3:53pm No, you came around, you stopped being all insulting and started to actually answer my claim.


Thanks for post permission. I'll still leave your face and name out. If you grow proud of your words someday let me know, and I'll restore your identity :)

3:41pm Cute picture, but it doesn't really go with the aesthetics whore persona....

You can post what you want, of course.

You're coming around. See? I knew you would.

Art is the emanation that most closely approximately the spirit (I forget where that comes from, but it sounds like Plato, no? I suppose everything does). You just make me want to post Joan Baez singing All My Trials with a big field of wildflowers. :)



3:19pm Well I removed overt identifiers, you're words are now anonymous, which makes me think of the following. I still want to post the ideas. If I have to I'll just remove your half of the conversation and make a huge gripe about the following link, and the absurdity of 'owning' data.

How far does this privacy of yours extend? I severely dislike this idea of you having rights over my memories.


7:39am Taking PMs (private | personal messages) and posting them on the internet does violate a set of mores. I see you've added my name and avatar. I wish you wouldn't do that. I didn't give you permission to do that, and since I will not have a job in 10 weeks, I'd like to be able to get one without my name coming up in search engines in that matter.

I still strongly disgree with your posting personal messages, but what does having my name and avatar on your blogspot account do for you?

Your call, of course.



Feb 22, 9:13pm P.S. i discovered that cat poster. I too hate the circus. Animals are not tools. I'd prefer to not require any external life to survive, but until the technology gets there we have no choice, which relates to my demand for purpose.



Feb 22, 9:05pm I'm deeply worried about Klassy. She's possibly the most serene individual I've encountered. Whatever is hurting her must be atrociously bad. She's far stronger than I, and I can take a lot. Frankly if I could harm whatever harms her I would, with conviction. But knowing her, she would not approve.

Your experiment seems to be somewhat flawed as I'm sure people will still know what you look like, but, the attempt is a good thing. At least you're beginning to examine the impact your looks have on the reception of your work. Awareness all around was and is my goal.

Art without function is just noise, to me. Music is beautiful because it is an abstraction based on reality, and thus is a tool for pattern recognition, but logic is even more beautiful for the same reason, just like diagnostics and painting. Art gave birth to science, but to hold onto it now while dropping the rest is like burning books. We must move forward, no matter how much we loved the past.

"I don't believe that I would have the fan count that I have if I had the sort of blog you wish I had. "

I'm inclined to agree. And that is deeply sad. But, if you were to use that fan base to get something of practical value, anything, out there something people need to hear but cant get from conventional sources, something they wouldn't normally see without knowing where to look, something you feel passionately about that affects ALL humans, the ends in this context would justify the means, perhaps.

I think you've come to understand what I'm about, or at least have found what I wanted to hear.

"I still think you just like to hit pretty girls to get their attention. "

Yes, so that they will get everyone else's. You are the highest caste, and the most powerful organisms on the planet. You have have a profound responsibility as a result. But because of that unassailable position, you have the options of doing nothing and resting easy that you will only be harassed for your inaction by malcontents and outcasts such as myself.

My blog post and review will be pulled if you wish, as they have served their purpose. But I would very much like your permission to post the rest of it. In any case good luck on your experiment, I hope you learn something that you value.

Feb 22, 8:17pm I changed my avatar for the day. Poet girl will be back. I am conducting a little poorly-framed experiment to see if the response is to the blog or the avatar. If it's to the avatar, I won't have to work so hard.

I pulled the review because a) it seemed silly to get upset about the review of someone I don't know who only read one page of mine before writing it and b) arguing in public is unseemly.

Luce told me she wrote to you about the review but she misunderstood. She thought you were reviewing Klassy. Something bad happened to Klassy a few days ago and a scathing review would not be timely. She's planning to leave SU anyway, but I am hoping it will pass.

I disagree with you about what my blog should be, but not with your values. I did consider it. I don't believe that I would have the fan count that I have if I had the sort of blog you wish I had. But we have different views on art. There's no separate word for "art" in most African languages, a functionality that I agree with.

The princes would rather talk to me than to you, I am sure.

I still think you just like to hit pretty girls to get their attention. I'm not going to change my blog, at least not much. But I was going to use this as a cat of the day but of course, now I can't. After awhile, perhaps.



Feb 22, 8:00pm Valid point on the surface, but I'm aware of her other projects and identities. She spends a great deal of time on the education of people regarding various issues of social importance. Or at least she did the last time I spoke to her with any regularity.

And once again for the record if that were the case with you a simple link would have been sufficient.

But really, even in the best case for you, would it matter?

Her actions don't impact yours in this context.

I see you changed your avatar photo, and pulled your review. Trying to make my comments appear nonsensical, or are you actually thinking about what I said, or some third option I'm unaware of?

P.S. The first of your defenders cropped up almost immediately. Interestingly enough it's a female with precisely the same sort of blog and fan count as you.

Frankly didn't expect that. I expected princes not other princesses :)

Feb 22, 7:42pm Socially responsible like this mutual friend of yours?

So I guess I don't understand why you object to my blog and not to hers.



Feb 21, 5:56pm I went over the links you posted in your review of me. (which will never be removed BTW)

And just for the record, my opinion stands. Wanting the world to be better and writing poetry do not constitute useful action.

I mean really, are free backgrounds going to change the world? Hell, even if they did, you didn't make them.

And seriously, is a poem next to a painting, supposed to prove you aren't using your looks to shamelessly self promote?

Ask yourself, are you angry because I'm insane or because I have a point. If i am insane, what does it matter everyone will know the truth right? I mean I'm obviously wrong aren't i? Or can people be fooled? Will they begin to agree with me even if I am wrong.

Ultimately, does it even matter?

If what you say is true you should not be angry because we're both trying our level best to help humanity, aren't we?



5:41pm Dear Pot,

You chose to live in poverty? Doubtful. You consider your child a burden? Doubtful. Did they pay you for this work? Probably. Would have taken a better job had it come around? One would hope so.

Pretty low to use your offspring as a bargaining chip in an Internet debate. Gotta love the ever played kid card. I just love how people treat children as property and act like they're justified, no wonder the bulk of us turn out to be such monstrous adults. I guess the implication is the usual, right? That I have to agree with you, who are wonderful for having children, and if not I must therefor hate children?

That's usually how people want it to work when they play the kid card. Just trying to illustrate the absurdity of your claim.

And, no it's not enough, not by a long shot. Hard times and doing what you have to do to survive is not a charitable act. Caring for your own children is something you're supposed to do by default, and in fact are extremely lucky to even have the opportunity to do so. Ask anyone who's lost a child. Grow some perspective.

I find it very interesting that you have this attitude of 'I do good because I failed to do evil' given that you worked in drug rehabilitation, which regularly applauds and rewards people for beating addiction. While I agree that beating addiction is a hard and worthy thing, I'd like to ask, where is my reward for never having been addicted?

Worth is the presence of something not the absence of it.

As a human with a mind I may pass judgment on whatever I please, as you do. Intelligence is judgment. The difference between us is that I recognize this as a human right we both have, where as you wish it to be yours alone. What makes you think you are anymore worthy? I know the answer, growing up a pretty female in America. It spoiled you. And yes you're still spoiled to me, because you have an aristocratic view of your own worth. I don't care how hard your adult life turned out, clearly you didn't learn anything from it.

In fact one could argue that you are double responsible to help the impoverished since you claim to ave been one yourself. Or do you subscribe to the Horatio Alger tough-love myth of life in America, where the poor are so because they are lazy and deserve it, and therefor just beating poverty some how absolved you of the responsibilities I claim we all posses?

Morality is simply a system of dogmatically inspired ethics. The terms in this context are interchangeable as rules of benevolent conduct. Their inspiration is irrelevant.

I don't feel that 'people' have to justify anything to me until they make a claim. But you alone are not people as a whole. I'm not judging your blog based on a single page, I gave you a chance (which still stands) to demonstrate my incorrectness and you chose to throw a tantrum instead shouting curses and questioning my sexuality as would be expected of a spoiled brat.

I'm judging you on your actions and ideas as you've expressed them. And yes I will post this communication without your permission because as a participant in the conversation my freedom so speech trumps your freedom of privacy. I have no need to modify your words, because to my mind they illustrate my points.

And as I said, the offer still stands, provide me some examples of you using your 1000 fans to help the world in a practical objective way, and you'll find my response quite favorable and fair.

Sincerely, Kettle.

5:03pm Dear Arrogant One,

I spent 10+ years of my life living below poverty line, with a university education and a child to support on my own, in order to work at a residential drug rehabilitation program in downtown Los Angeles. Is that enough?

Do you really feel you are in a position to pass judgment on what people do with their blogs? Or dictate what ethics are? Ethics, vs. morality, must be freely embraced.

Why do you feel that people have to justify their existence to you and that you are entitled to judge them based on one page of their blog?

I know you will post this personal communication to your blogspot account without my permission, but do try to include this line so that your many followers see just what you're like.




Feel free to comment, I'd never censor anyone, unless they were cheating like spam, DOS attacks, or identity theft.



4:15pm Couldn't find a link of value eh? Yea, must be frustrating for you. Perhaps you should try to create some, now that you've noticed the lack. There are plenty of things you can do to help your fellows. Ethically you're required to do so, but hey everyone else ignores their responsibilities, why not the pretty girl everyone wants to own.

Klassy is a wonderful person but also tolerant to an extreme degree. I am not. She is also very into art and emotional expression which explains how she could like you even if you are socially inert. But, (unlike you apparently since you can't find any examples) she balances it with a deep sense of social justice, and effort to correct injustices through political action and commentary.

You exhibit none of the latter, and you have a short temper. As far as justification goes, its not to me, its to society, my claim is that you're wasting your chance to actually help the world, if I'm wrong, then so be it, if I'm right then you should recognize that you have a serious problem, or you're oblivious and callous.

Either way, my opinion is irrelevant.

You're right, beauty is all some people have. Because they refuse to cultivate anything else.

Will beauty feed a person? You're a spoiled brat, in my (again irrelevant) opinion. Far too accustomed to having her buttocks kissed for having what the advertising world has told us for generations is an attractive shell.

P.S. My offer still stands, Demonstrate even the slightest concern for social welfare and I'll alter my review accordingly.

P.P.S. Feel free to block my review to preserve the illusion of universal respect, I would expect no less of an ego as large and unsupported as yours.

The link to the blog post archiving this conversation will arrive shortly.

4:03pm Too fucking late, your superficial summary stands as is. If you knew Klassy at all, you'd trust her judgment enough to look closely. I am not going to justify myself to you. Google is your friend if you give a damn. If not, I don't. Yes, there is a desperate need for beauty because beauty is redemptive and sometimes it's all we have.



4:00pm Hmmmm, your reply begins to make me question my review.

In this case, seriously link me to something of social merit that you broadcast to your 1000 minions, and I'll remove/change it.

P.S. i understand that the "such as yourself" addition was meant to be insulting, but really, can you accuse me of being a would be prince charming when i just publicly blasted the princess?

P.P.S. Have i not wounded you? Is not being worthless to the species beyond physical attractiveness something you'd like to avoid? Or are you one of those deluded soul who thinks beauty has value in and of itself?

3:55pm No, you really can't tell me from my first page. I'm sure your review is worth the time you put into it.

But you're right. As the object of male projection far and wide, half a dozen men such as yourself will orgasm as they write me consoling notes because they are so sure you've wounded me.



3:51pm I read your first page, is it not a decent indication of the rest of your work? I see nothing of social value beyond half baked mysticism and an advertisement for a neat bookshelf.

Which you as a person have every right to showcase. But there is a degree of social responsibility one acquires when they have an audience bigger than some towns.

P.S. I'm glad you liked my review. And I have no doubt that when you're done making fun of it, dozens of your fans will kiss your hind side ever more vigorously.

But seriously, which one of us has tried harder to save our collective life?

3:46pm Did you even read what I write?

But your review is my favorite ever and I will immortalize it on my blog.


  1. Half of this conversation seems to have been eaten by your layout. This makes me a sad monkey.

  2. Hmmm, yes, I'll see what i can do about that.

    The data is all there but it is, unusually squished isn't it.

  3. The layout editing is somewhat limited if I wish to retain this background image and such, my html skill is very low.

    About all I could do is format the text differently.

    I hope it's a little more readable now.
