Sicko "Marriage Contract" One For The Ages
Repulsive "Wifely Expectations" pact emerges in Iowa kidnap case
FEBRUARY 17--This country, as you know, is filled with the deranged. And then there's Travis Frey, a 33-year-old Iowa man who is facing charges that he tried to kidnap his own wife (not to mention a separate child pornography rap). Frey, prosecutors contend, apparently is a rather demanding guy. In fact, he actually drew up a bizarre four-page marriage document--a "Contract of Wifely Expectations"--that sought to establish guidelines for his spouse in terms of hygiene, clothing, and sexual activities. In return for fulfilling certain requirements, Frey (pictured right) offered "Good Behavior Days," or GBDs. Each GBD, Frey wrote, could be redeemed by his wife to "get out of doing the things" he requested daily. A copy of the proposed contract, which Frey's wife never signed and later provided to cops, can be found below. While we normally point out the highlights of most documents, there are so many in this demented, and very graphic, contract, we really can't do it justice. So set aside ten minutes--and prepare to be repulsed. (4 pages)
While I obviously agree, as the bulk of you do, that these demands are unreasonable. I think pejoratives like sick and demented (based only on the contract) are unwarranted and stem directly from honesty about and disclosure of what should be a private matter.
Would you like every thing you've ever done or wanted sexually to be a matter of public record? Which I might add has become a euphemism for public ridicule.
Your ranting at this man is as mature as tossing apples at the village drunkard chained to the pillory. You're kicking a criminal because you can. Why don't you rant at what caused him to think this was reasonable behavior in the first place? Namely monogamy! And where is the vitriol for the women willing to marry a man like this?
Consider, you as a society tolerate just this sort of self centered madness daily. More than tolerate it, you subsidize it! Consider, he actually had a wife to present this contract to. So at least one woman subsidized this person with a relationship that culminated in marriage. Is she a 'sicko' too? If so where's the hate for her? For every 1 'sicko' like this there are at least 50 decent single men whom women in general would not touch with a ten foot poll.
Hell even the asshole that circumcised his son with a utility knife had multiple women, and 11 kids.
You're just mad about the contract because he is illustrating a fact that you guys love to hide. All relationships are exchanges. Granted, not this declared and not this unilateral. Consider the level of subservience demanded in many consensual D/s relationships, are they all sickos as well? Are we going to make this a sexual rights issue?
Honestly I don't see anything wrong with the attempt. Prenuptial agreements are pretty much this fucked up, just not as specific. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but legally speaking, a contract may contain any act that's legal. And I don't see any criminal behavior required of either party. Besides I don't see his duties listed, doesn't a contract also have to have duties for both parties in order to be a contract?
I think this contract is clearly a sex toy, not a realistic demand and it was given to the public out of anger (justified or not) and spite. If it were an actual demand would it be any different from the consequences of the traditional obey clause in the wedding vow? Could a husband in a traditional Christian setting not ask for all these things and expect them as a matter of spousal duty? So again, who are you really mad at?
You people are just angry because he's being unabashedly honest about the nature of what a marriage is, and most of you lie to your mates about what you want thinking that they don't know thinking that you'll make a profit form the deception while they simultaneously lie to you.
News flash, marriage and monogamy is mainly about sex people and it always has been. Its primarily a human ownership contract that confers sexual rights and limitations. The men hate this guy because they are making public what about 90% of them would take if they could get it. A sweet little sex slave. And the women are mad because they don't want to see open negotiation of spousal duties because of the huge advantage they currently posses due to ignorance on the part of men, that advantage being centered around sexual power.
And he's brutally honest about his own desires, something we as citizens are always humiliated for doing.
P.S. For the record, since people seem to fail to grasp this, I am not defending this individual person, merely the action of attempting to contractually bind a mate in sexual detail, because thats what the bulk of you do covertly. Had this been about money and instead of sex, it wouldn't even be on the net, which says something about your puritanical roots.
I don't know this person and neither do you. And I obviously do not condone kidnapping or child pornography. But I see nothing wrong with writing a contract and presenting it to someone so long as no force or other unethical acts are used to obtain a signature.
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