Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Not Rape Epidemic: One Man's Response.

In response to This.

I'm so tired of self indulgent female supremacism being hailed as profundity.

Yes, how girls are treated is quite tragic. But I'm tired of the double standard.

We charge boys as adults routinely, but when it comes to handing out some accountability for poor choices, the bag runs empty when it comes around to a pretty young girl. This country once executed a 13 year old BOY. Boys are routinely sent to what amounts to forced labor camps for routine drug offenses and the like, wherein they are often Actually raped.

I challenge you to find a boy who has completed public school who has not been beaten at least once. If you do, ask him how much time he spent in mortal fear of it.

If I had to pick between having my wrists broken and having my bottom squeezed, I'll go with the squeeze.

You think boys don't have constant sexual humiliation? Or are wedgies actually funny? How about being beaten in the shower room? perhaps being called fagot constantly because the girls giggle at everyone who isn't captain of the football team.

I'm tired of "I was raped" being an exemption from critical response. Well, I'm past caring about how much hate mail I get, someone needs to stand up for the men falsely convicted by a system scared witless of being the monster you paint all men not actively working to defend you, to be.

I'm tired of the judicial system being praised when it punishes and berated when it shows mercy.

Rape (and Not rape) is bad yes, I get it and I agree. But stop acting like it's the holocaust. This is not Sub-Saharan Africa where rape is endemic. lets talk about Not Starvation, how homeless men vastly out number homeless women and eating some brown apple core from a discarded lunch bag kept someone alive. Lets talk about Not Exposure, where a guy just lost a few toes to frost bite but lived through a cold night.

My mouth fell open out of shock. There wasn’t even a question of consent in this case - the damage to the girl’s face attested to that. And yet, here was this defense attorney trying to assassinate the victim’s character. For what?

For what? Lesser conviction of course. I thought you were pre-law. Charging someone for rape+assault and convincing the jury it was just assault can lead to MUCH less jail time, since somehow beating someone into a wheel chair isn't as bad as raping them while they sleep. What does a photo prove other than she was beaten? Does it prove who beat her? Does it prove rape?

I'm tired of the people defending alleged rapists in trial being painted as the devil himself(herself?). I'm tired of everyone acting like this slimy evil lawyer watched it all happen and then gleefully spits on the poor broken princess while counting money.

It's called the jury system. Innocent until proven guilty. Discrediting a witness is standard procedure. If you're so upset about promiscuity being a discredit then take it up with society, not the defense attorney doing his job.

That day in court was the day I fully understood the concept of being raped twice - first during the act and then later during the court proceedings.

Hyperbole much? If being upset by perceived injustice is equal with your (Not) rape experience then I must down play the initial experience because I tell you, when I see bullies get away with being bullies (mainly because being a bully gets one laid eventually since chicks dig a "winner") I hate it but its not like hearing and feeling my wrist snap again.

I'm tired of systematic male abuse being written off or even joked about while occasional female abuse gets prime time coverage.

This is how the Not Rape epidemic spreads - through fear and silence, which become complicit in perpetuating the behaviors described here. Women of all backgrounds are affected by these kinds of acts, regardless of race, ethnicity, or social class.

Heh fear and silence. Like the fear I have of even publishing this and the silence all those men who agree with me must enforce or fear losing their girlfriends? I'm honestly worried merely taking this position and putting my real name to it will net me physical danger. And secretly (or not) you think that's cool.

Because women, despite the monumental courage and sacrifice of previous generations in combating true institutional sexism, have once again learned for themselves, and subsequently taught their daughters, that allure is an acceptable career alternative. That paradoxically "rich" is somehow something you can look for in a mate and not be a whore.

Most of us have pushed these stories to the back of our minds, trying to have some semblance of a normal life that includes romantic and sexual relationships.

Relationships who's terms you completely dictate. Screw your normal life. Normal is being some woman's slave and never having fun sex again if I want the privilege of children. I'm tired of men who are owned having every advantage. I'm tired of "single" equaling "pariah."

However, waiting just behind the tongue is story after story of the horrors other women experience and hide deep within the self behind a protective wall of silence.

I tell you what lady. You don't get any right to complain more than men.

So long as...
.. women call each other sluts and whores like it's a bad thing
.. women go to college merely to find a husband
.. women in other countries get their genitals sliced off
.. women in other countries get stoned by their family when they get raped
.. prison rape is funny
.. women think its ok to use sex appeal to marry a man
.. women demand that men act asexual until they are in the mood
.. women pick brutal belligerent alphas and scorn the quiet law abiding thetas
.. women choose six pack abs over a good heart
.. women let men buy them dinner and booze knowing the men want in their pants
.. more is spent on makeup than healthcare
.. women can make a living selling their worn underwear and men cannot
.. "homemaker" is an inflation/innovation proof career
.. women fellate liars and abandon the honest
.. women go back to beaters
.. women allow their men to hit their kids because they can't fathom getting a job
.. the caring best friend gets a night on the couch
.. being capricious and spoiled is a woman's prerogative
.. women get custody and a check from the court twice as often as not
.. men rot in debtors prison for non child support payment
.. women's advocacy groups get donations while men's advocacy in general is treated like institutionalized sexism
.. women keep marrying men that hand them blood diamonds
.. women can trade something they enjoy for something they can spend .. they lie
.. buying a vibrator is sexy yet buying a flesh light is filthy
.. "having" a women defines success and mental health for a man
.. 99% of songs are hymns about how a woman is the most important thing in life
.. love is synonymous with a woman
.. we all have to pretend that a heart isn't a pictogram of cleavage or ass
.. every movie is a how-to manual of male slavery
.. "true" heroism is dying for a woman,
.. every solider who has a wife/girlfriend is somehow worth more than the one who doesn't
.. the best thing a man can hope for is to die a rich father and husband
.. "family" means pleasing your wife
.. a woman can slap a man with impunity
.. a woman gets half in the divorce despite no hand in the earning
.. sexual harassment laws apply to girls wearing 2 ounce hotpants that say "boy toy"
.. a dead little girl gets more coverage than a dead little boy,
.. "she wants" is a justification
.. its an Amber alert and not an Adam alert
.. burning your boyfriends stuff is ok
.. "emo" means weak
.. men die first
.. women allow a man kicking the crap out of another man to pass for expression of love
.. "girl" gets used on women more than "boy" gets used on men
.. the best models make more than the best surgeons
.. seducing a microphone means a record deal
.. men have to pretend cheerleaders aren't about sex
.. women try to look young but men are perverts if they like it
.. masculism means sexism according to wiki
.. tears are for pussies
.. the difference between stalking and courting is female whim
.. its ok for fathers to act like jealous boyfriends
.. a man's motive is assumed to be sexual whenever possible
.. accusation equals social conviction
.. masturbation is for losers unless you're a woman
.. women blame the men around them for not saving them
.. "fear of commitment" is a character flaw rather than a decision
.. its "her body and her choice" despite requiring my sperm
.. "kick his ass" is an acceptable request coming from a woman
.. man bashing is fashionable
.. female choice drives sexual selection
.. paying for sex is illegal unless you call it a marriage/dating/a relationship
.. "being emotional" excuses the absence of rational thought
.. there are sperm banks and not egg banks (I'm aware extracting an egg is painful)
.. wanting what we are trained to want makes us "perverts"
.. repeated humiliating rejection is considered character building
.. "man up" means shut up.
.. "rape culture" only applies to women despite the majority of victims being men
.. women don't have to carry a rifle (If they really wanted it, it would happen.)
.. women profit from institutionally engineered mass male sexual frustration
.. sexual abuse means a book deal for a woman and jail time for men
.. writing like this means that I must hate women and I should lock my door.

You'll never get pity from me.

Your culture causes these horrors and "Not Rapes".

And you're right... It's Not rape.

But you know what is?

The 821 prison rapes that occurred today which everyone thinks is funny.

How many was that while you were reading this?

At least no one is laughing at your pain. Not even me.

1 comment:

  1. I did read both the essay and your response above and I feel you are both right in your own way. The we seem to miss is the "Big Picture" and the role that society plays in all this. But most importantly, it's not man or woman, it's human qualities, we are all equally responsible for the state that men and women are in. We are flawed in more ways than we think we are and the society, with it's often harsh double standards in both cases, is only worsening the situation. I detest rape or any other atrocities committed on any human or animal, I do not have different definitions for that word, for men and women. Basically we are all animals with some dormant primal instincts within us, which shows it ugly face once in a while right from our childhood till we die.
