This one started over a broken search bar post, click here for the original.
After that I sent the following private message. Hilarity ensuesNever fails.

For one, the posts have different objectives. I still want the file list, quite separate from the repair of the search bar.
For two, its amazing how fast you egomaniacs appear from the woodwork when there's a chance to flex your oh so precious digital muscle, but oh so busy with other things when it comes to actually answering a question or two.
Just goes to show you, all revolutionaries are wannabe aristocrats. Perhaps you should skip the middle man and go work for Microsoft.
Re: Never fails.
Re read your posts. Your post from November 25 has two questions/issues you want solved. Your post from December 20 is stating the same problem as your post from November 25. Hence why it was locked.Innomen wrote:For one, the posts have different objectives. I still want the file list, quite separate from the repair of the search bar.
Innomen wrote:For two, its amazing how fast you egomaniacs appear from the woodwork when there's a chance to flex your oh so precious digital muscle, but oh so busy with other things when it comes to actually answering a question or two.
Just goes to show you, all revolutionaries are wannabe aristocrats. Perhaps you should skip the middle man and go work for Microsoft.
When you are going to make comments like that, you better make sure you know what you are talking about. Obviously, you don't.
Moderator's have two jobs here.
1) Moderate (police) the forums. eg. Locking posts, removing spam, moving posts, etc.
2) Offer support to other users.
Every member here including admins and moderators are volunteers. We do this when we have time and without pay. I had some free time and decided to stop by the forums. I saw your posts and made the appropriate actions. I don't have to answer your questions. Especially, if I don't have time to do so.
Re: Never fails.
You consider me beneath you anyway, why bother replying?
Perhaps because I've had the temerity to point out the emperor's bare hind side.
Well aren't we the Buddha.
There is no such thing as a selfless act. Status is often a greater motivator than funding.
You can try to sell the line of Dudley Do-right all night.
I'm not buying.
" title="Applause"> Funny you should mention police, they too spend a great deal of time looking for opportunities to be heroes and bullies under the guise of public selfless service.
To be fair you're much closer to a food court security guard.
So perhaps you should go away now. I think some teens over there need to be reminded how much you're in charge.
Perhaps because I've had the temerity to point out the emperor's bare hind side.
...without pay...

There is no such thing as a selfless act. Status is often a greater motivator than funding.
You can try to sell the line of Dudley Do-right all night.

To be fair you're much closer to a food court security guard.
So perhaps you should go away now. I think some teens over there need to be reminded how much you're in charge.
Re: Never fails.
Innomen wrote:You consider me beneath you anyway, why bother replying?
Perhaps because I've had the temerity to point out the emperor's bare hind side....without pay...Well aren't we the Buddha.
There is no such thing as a selfless act. Status is often a greater motivator than funding.
You can try to sell the line of Dudley Do-right all night.I'm not buying.
" title="Applause"> Funny you should mention police, they too spend a great deal of time looking for opportunities to be heroes and bullies under the guise of public selfless service.
To be fair you're much closer to a food court security guard.
So perhaps you should go away now. I think some teens over there need to be reminded how much you're in charge.
You obviously have a problem with authority.
Lose your attitude. Keep it up and I will suspend you for X-amount of time. Continue the same attitude after the suspension and I will ban you permanently.
Re: Never fails.
On what grounds?
That you don't like my privately expressed and solicited opinion?
No one is forcing you to even read let alone respond to my replies.
For the record I have a problem with abused authority.
Authority is necessary for the good of the people in many cases, but when a person accepts the powers granted by that authority without accepting the responsibility and self discipline that is the price of that authority one becomes an abuser.
P.S. I've messaged an administrator asking for clarification on the issue of your having sufficient authority to ban me because a privately expressed and solicited opinion does not meet with your approval.
What other subjective and arbitrary opinion am I required to share with you in order to stay a member on this forum? My favorite color is violet, is that permitted?
I am not required to like you.
I am permitted to express myself.
How about you simply not answer this message if you don't like my responses, attitude, etc?
I will take a reply to this message as permission to continue speaking candidly.
That you don't like my privately expressed and solicited opinion?
No one is forcing you to even read let alone respond to my replies.
For the record I have a problem with abused authority.
Authority is necessary for the good of the people in many cases, but when a person accepts the powers granted by that authority without accepting the responsibility and self discipline that is the price of that authority one becomes an abuser.
P.S. I've messaged an administrator asking for clarification on the issue of your having sufficient authority to ban me because a privately expressed and solicited opinion does not meet with your approval.
What other subjective and arbitrary opinion am I required to share with you in order to stay a member on this forum? My favorite color is violet, is that permitted?
I am not required to like you.
I am permitted to express myself.
How about you simply not answer this message if you don't like my responses, attitude, etc?
I will take a reply to this message as permission to continue speaking candidly.
Re: Never fails.
So let me get this straight. You're mad at me because I locked your duplicate post and did not help answer your question. I have already explained to you my reasons. If that is a sore spot with you, that is your problem, not mine. Grow up.
I can suspend and/or ban you on the grounds of breaking forum rules.
That would be considered an insult. That would be under the two following rules. Be Nice - faq.php?mode=rules#f45 and
Attack/Name calling - faq.php?mode=rules#f48
The rest of your comments are just pointless and is digging yourself a deeper hole. When you get a response from an admin, make sure you tell him you broke the forum rules.
While you're at, read this quote from the rules as well.
I can suspend and/or ban you on the grounds of breaking forum rules.
Innomen wrote:To be fair you're much closer to a food court security guard.
That would be considered an insult. That would be under the two following rules. Be Nice - faq.php?mode=rules#f45 and
Attack/Name calling - faq.php?mode=rules#f48
The rest of your comments are just pointless and is digging yourself a deeper hole. When you get a response from an admin, make sure you tell him you broke the forum rules.
While you're at, read this quote from the rules as well.
Forum Rules wrote:Actions
Don't be stupid. If you can't be mature, find somewhere else to post.
Re: Never fails.
You're mad at me because...
You're being petty and you're abusing your position of authority to try and extort some kind of false contrition out of me.
I've been on the net for twelve years, you think you're the first kid to take his ball and go home?
Do you honestly expect me to cower?
If you haven't put it together yet, you don't scare me. You amuse me. We both know I'm right about your behavior.
Take a look at your logic. You go out of your way to reduce the chances of my problem being solved so you can showboat your "authority". I express my opinion, privately, at which point you threaten me.
I point this out, and you claim it is an attack.
Hypocrite. This is not an attack, This is a statement of fact.
Because if that's an attack, then so is this... better make sure you know what you are talking about. Obviously, you don't.
I know exactly what I'm talking about.
And this...
You obviously have a problem with authority.
So I'm mentally ill now? As I said before I have a problem with ABUSE of authority. Don't pretend that I'm just randomly spewing hate at mods because they are mods. Did it ever occur to you to ask me about the second post?
And this...
Grow up.
I'm 29. I'm a free adult male, and I have a right to both my opinion, and to express that opinion. You are the one who continues to harass me. I didn't force you to respond and I told you that if you did respond I'd take it as a further solicitation of my opinion and I would as a result speak freely.
I don't appreciate being called a child just because you're angry at being called out on your bullying.
No attacking or name calling. This includes talking about groups of people, not just individuals.
I didn't call you a poopie head, I labeled you according to your actions, and I made a fitting metaphor there of. If you want to shoe-horn strawman that into the definition of name calling and attack, I cant very well stop you.
Be Nice!
We pride ourselves in being a tight-knit community that polices itself well, and we want to keep it that way.
Be nice? Are you kidding? Do you actually expect me to respect you treating that as some sort of objective standard?
I don't think you're being nice at all, in fact I think you're being quite spiteful, and spoiling for a chance to once again flex those digital muscles.
Once again, no one is forcing you to talk to me. See, I want your opinion, you're more than welcome to talk to me. I don't mind. But I'm not going to force you to read mine.
You're the one clutching at straws looking for a reason to ban me. Is this how you handle all your disagreements?
If you're comfortable banning me on such flimsy pretense, for such obviously emotional and personal reasons, be my guest, all it would do is affirm my position.
I suggest you cease harassing me.
Re: Never fails.
No I am not. You flat our broke the rules. Period.Innomen wrote:You're being petty and you're abusing your position of authority to try and extort some kind of false contrition out of me.
Kid? I am in fact older than you. As I've stated before, if you're going to make comments like that, know what you are talking about.Innomen wrote:I've been on the net for twelve years, you think you're the first kid to take his ball and go home?
When are you going to get it that I was doing my job as a moderator? I locked your DUPLICATE post. This in fact helps you get better help as all discussion is in one thread instead of two. As for not helping you, I moderate/offer support when I can. I will NOT apologise for not answering your post. Locking your post and doing one other moderating process is all I had time for.Innomen wrote:Take a look at your logic. You go out of your way to reduce the chances of my problem being solved so you can showboat your "authority". I express my opinion, privately, at which point you threaten me.
Problem with authority has nothing to do with mentally ill. Why would I need to ask you about your second post? It was a duplicate of your other post. Duplicates are locked. End of discussion.Innomen wrote:So I'm mentally ill now? As I said before I have a problem with ABUSE of authority. Don't pretend that I'm just randomly spewing hate at mods because they are mods. Did it ever occur to you to ask me about the second post?
There you go again stating false things. I never called you a child.Innomen wrote:I don't appreciate being called a child just because you're angry at being called out on your bullying.
Innomen wrote:Be nice? Are you kidding? Do you actually expect me to respect you treating that as some sort of objective standard?
You're so wound up on trying to win this argument, you must have completely forgotten what you sent to me in your first PM. Let me remind you of what you said.
Innomen wrote:For two, its amazing how fast you egomaniacs appear from the woodwork when there's a chance to flex your oh so precious digital muscle, but oh so busy with other things when it comes to actually answering a question or two.
Just goes to show you, all revolutionaries are wannabe aristocrats. Perhaps you should skip the middle man and go work for Microsoft.
Right off the bat you broke the Be Nice rule. In later PM's your attitude continued and you began name calling. Which is why I told you if you continued, I would suspend and/or ban you. That is not a threat. That will happen...
Innomen wrote:Once again, no one is forcing you to talk to me. See, I want your opinion, you're more than welcome to talk to me. I don't mind. But I'm not going to force you to read mine.
As a moderator here I am not required to read yours or anyone else's PM's, but I do due to the position I hold. This has nothing to do with my authority going to my head as you imply.
Innomen wrote:I suggest you cease harassing me.
Harassing you? More like you're harassing me.
Think about this: You're arguing because I locked your duplicate post and didn't help answer your question. I told you my reasons why, yet you continue to argue. You break the forum rules and when I enforce those rules you claim I am attacking you and abusing my power.
Get this straight. You broke the forum rules. Accept that and move on. If you continue to argue about the rules, or my actions (e.g. harassing) I will suspend you for arguing with and harassing a moderator.
Re: Never fails.
Where to begin? What do you want from me? Do you expect to get it though "force"?
Setting aside the fact that the rules you mention are for posting not PM, is the fact that the "rules" are so absolutely vague that simply saying hello is in violation of them if you choose to claim so.
We both know the score here. You're having a tantrum, and now you're baiting me. Isn't that against the rules too?
I told you before, no one is forcing you to talk to me. I am never going to agree with you. My opinion of you is going to remain negative so long as you take this nightstick approach to making friends. Again, what do you want from me?
I ask in all seriousness, is English your native language? Would you have some other legitimate reason for not recognizing a metaphor or a colloquialism? Or are you being deliberately obtuse?
You locked a post that was not a duplicate, I was forced to derail the topic of my first post to meet the need I had intended to explore in my second post.
As I already have explained, and would have explained had you contacted me before whipping out the tazer, one post was in search of a file list (which I have no been forced to abandon thanks to you) The other was a repair job. One was academic, the other was practical.
But of course pointing out a mod's mistake is against forum rules. Right?
Nor do I require you to apologize. I'm not the one after some sort of ring kissing ritual here. In fact, once again, you are completely free to cease speaking to me. I'm content to agree to disagree. It seems you are not. Again, what do you want from me?
According to the DSM IV Passive-aggressive personality disorder has "unreasonably criticizes and scorns authority" as one of its facets.
Your claim implied that my distaste with your authority was unreasonable and a personality trait.
Again for the record, I don't have a problem with authority beyond the norm, I have a problem with abused authority.
Then what was meant by "Grow up." if not to impune my maturity?
My first PM was in response to your spiteful self serving abuse of power. You then proceeded to threaten and talk down to me. My response was and continues to be appropriate to the situation.
Keep threatening me, I'll keep being unaffected. You're the one that's harassing me. I have no illusions, I realize that you can ban me and be squarely in the wrong for all to see and I can expect zero recourse. I simply don't care.
And if you don't agree with what you read you make countless threats. Not exactly what one would expect from a cool headed professional. Volunteer or otherwise.
I told you like 5 times, if you say something to me I will say something back. Each time you speak to me you solicit a response. You threaten me and then expect silence, that's not going to happen. I am not a dog to be shushed. So long as you speak to me I have a right to respond that extends beyond any forum policy. Again, if you don't want to continue this conversation. Don't. Otherwise, I will speak my mind.
Yes, and because you keep threatening me because you personally dislike my position and you keep sending me messages. Do you attempt to intimidate everyone who disagree with your arbitrary actions?
Indeed, because you were wrong, and because you keep talking to me about it.
Again, the rules are so vague as to be broken any time one speaks should a mod take it into his head to think so, and even if that were not the case, the rules you quoted me were for posting. This is not a post, it is a PM. you are not obligated to respond, you CHOOSE to.
I will not let you win just because you have a badge. You may nightsitck me if you like, and I know you'll get away with it, such is the world. I will not trade a picoliter of my dignity for access to this or any forum.
I'm the type to chain myself to a bulldozer if I feel authority is over stepping its bounds. What makes you think repeating a threat over and over makes it more effective?
For the last time, what is it you expect of me?
Again, if you really want me to "move on" quit dragging me back here.
If you really think I'm wrong and my position has no merit then why bother talking to me? Just delete this message and continue doing what you do.
I'm happy to continue this debate if YOU choose. but I'm also quite happy to never speak to you again, as I have been each time I've closed this window.
Now is no different.
You flat our broke the rules. Period.
Setting aside the fact that the rules you mention are for posting not PM, is the fact that the "rules" are so absolutely vague that simply saying hello is in violation of them if you choose to claim so.
We both know the score here. You're having a tantrum, and now you're baiting me. Isn't that against the rules too?
I told you before, no one is forcing you to talk to me. I am never going to agree with you. My opinion of you is going to remain negative so long as you take this nightstick approach to making friends. Again, what do you want from me?
I am in fact older than you.
I ask in all seriousness, is English your native language? Would you have some other legitimate reason for not recognizing a metaphor or a colloquialism? Or are you being deliberately obtuse?
I locked your DUPLICATE post.
You locked a post that was not a duplicate, I was forced to derail the topic of my first post to meet the need I had intended to explore in my second post.
As I already have explained, and would have explained had you contacted me before whipping out the tazer, one post was in search of a file list (which I have no been forced to abandon thanks to you) The other was a repair job. One was academic, the other was practical.
But of course pointing out a mod's mistake is against forum rules. Right?
I will NOT apologise for not answering your post.
Nor do I require you to apologize. I'm not the one after some sort of ring kissing ritual here. In fact, once again, you are completely free to cease speaking to me. I'm content to agree to disagree. It seems you are not. Again, what do you want from me?
Problem with authority has nothing to do with mentally ill.
According to the DSM IV Passive-aggressive personality disorder has "unreasonably criticizes and scorns authority" as one of its facets.
Your claim implied that my distaste with your authority was unreasonable and a personality trait.
Again for the record, I don't have a problem with authority beyond the norm, I have a problem with abused authority.
There you go again stating false things. I never called you a child.
Then what was meant by "Grow up." if not to impune my maturity?
you must have completely forgotten what you sent to me in your first PM
My first PM was in response to your spiteful self serving abuse of power. You then proceeded to threaten and talk down to me. My response was and continues to be appropriate to the situation.
Which is why I told you if you continued, I would suspend and/or ban you. That is not a threat. That will happen...
Keep threatening me, I'll keep being unaffected. You're the one that's harassing me. I have no illusions, I realize that you can ban me and be squarely in the wrong for all to see and I can expect zero recourse. I simply don't care.
As a moderator here I am not required to read yours or anyone else's PM's, but I do due to the position I hold. This has nothing to do with my authority going to my head as you imply.
And if you don't agree with what you read you make countless threats. Not exactly what one would expect from a cool headed professional. Volunteer or otherwise.
Harassing you? More like you're harassing me.
I told you like 5 times, if you say something to me I will say something back. Each time you speak to me you solicit a response. You threaten me and then expect silence, that's not going to happen. I am not a dog to be shushed. So long as you speak to me I have a right to respond that extends beyond any forum policy. Again, if you don't want to continue this conversation. Don't. Otherwise, I will speak my mind.
Think about this: You're arguing because I locked your duplicate post and didn't help answer your question.
Yes, and because you keep threatening me because you personally dislike my position and you keep sending me messages. Do you attempt to intimidate everyone who disagree with your arbitrary actions?
I told you my reasons why, yet you continue to argue.
Indeed, because you were wrong, and because you keep talking to me about it.
You break the forum rules and when I enforce those rules you claim I am attacking you and abusing my power.
Again, the rules are so vague as to be broken any time one speaks should a mod take it into his head to think so, and even if that were not the case, the rules you quoted me were for posting. This is not a post, it is a PM. you are not obligated to respond, you CHOOSE to.
Get this straight. You broke the forum rules. Accept that and move on. If you continue to argue about the rules, or my actions (e.g. harassing) I will suspend you for arguing with and harassing a moderator.
I will not let you win just because you have a badge. You may nightsitck me if you like, and I know you'll get away with it, such is the world. I will not trade a picoliter of my dignity for access to this or any forum.
I'm the type to chain myself to a bulldozer if I feel authority is over stepping its bounds. What makes you think repeating a threat over and over makes it more effective?
For the last time, what is it you expect of me?
Again, if you really want me to "move on" quit dragging me back here.
If you really think I'm wrong and my position has no merit then why bother talking to me? Just delete this message and continue doing what you do.
I'm happy to continue this debate if YOU choose. but I'm also quite happy to never speak to you again, as I have been each time I've closed this window.
Now is no different.
Re: Never fails.
Innomen wrote:Where to begin? What do you want from me? Do you expect to get it though "force"?
Here is how it's going to work. I am not going to reply to most of the statements in your most recent PM. All you're doing is re-hashing what's been said already and I don't have time to repeat myself other than the following:
You broke the rules. Get over it and move on.
The Rules say "Forum Rules." The PM system is part of the forum. Therefore, the rules apply everywhere. Nice try on trying to spin it the other way though.Innomen wrote:Setting aside the fact that the rules you mention are for posting not PM, is the fact that the "rules" are so absolutely vague that simply saying hello is in violation of them if you choose to claim so.
What do I want from you? Accept the fact that you broke the rules and quit arguing about my actions.
In other words, let the whole issue drop.
This is your last chance. If you continue to argue/respond or try to spin my comments via PM, or any other way, I will suspend and/or ban you.
The choice is yours.
Re: Never fails.
Get over it and move on.
Accept the fact that you broke the rules and quit arguing about my actions.
In other words, let the whole issue drop.
This is your last chance. If you continue to argue/respond or try to spin my comments via PM, or any other way, I will suspend and/or ban you.
The choice is yours.
What is this the mod equivalent of I know you are but what am I?
If one looks over our chat log one can see that I've been telling you to leave me alone repeatedly.
I told you over and over, if you say something to me that I feel merits a response I will respond. YOU choose to keep messaging me. I told you again and again, I've dropped it every time I close this window. You're the one losing sleep over the Internet being serious business.
I also told you your threats don't mean squat to me.
If you're so hellbent on having the last word and a parting shot, just abuse your power a little more and ban me. Oh but wait, if I'm banned I won't be able to log in to see your clever self serving boot message will I? If that's the case I can see your hesitation.
The Rules say "Forum Rules." The PM system is part of the forum. Therefore, the rules apply everywhere. Nice try on trying to spin it the other way though.
The rules you claim I broke are under the Posting section of the forum rules. Do you need a screen capture?
Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me rules like Crossposting, Off topic, and Topic changing apply to PM as well? What about email addresses, which specifically mentions that PM's are exempt from that rule.
Once again, if you talk to me, I talk back, and I simply do not care if you kick me.
And don't expect me to be the "bigger person" and just let you off the hook because I can. You're the one with the badge, that's the price of power.
Laughable though the word is in this context.
Re: Never fails.
Read the rules. Be Nice, Attacks/Name Calling and Actions apply to PM's as well as the open forum. Again, nice try on trying to get around the rules.
I base my suspensions on how active a member is. You have seven posts stretched over a one month period. Specifically, there is nearly a one month gap in between your posts.
I told you to drop it. You didn't, enjoy your vacation.
Your suspension will last for six weeks. Find a way around that suspension and you will be banned permanently.
You will be suspended as soon as I know you have read this PM.
I base my suspensions on how active a member is. You have seven posts stretched over a one month period. Specifically, there is nearly a one month gap in between your posts.
I told you to drop it. You didn't, enjoy your vacation.
Your suspension will last for six weeks. Find a way around that suspension and you will be banned permanently.
You will be suspended as soon as I know you have read this PM.
Re: Never fails.
I love winning.
I love winning.
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