Places like this exist because of the threat we pose to them, despite being wrong via incompleteness, and their inability to articulate their comprehension of that threat in the language we understand.
This is true of both sides.
Only our greatest minds can see the gap, and bridge it.
Atheists are as resistant to the idea of their vision being incomplete as theists are to the idea of their vision being incorrect.
We both must finally see past our own limitations.
You know how theists exacerbate the issue, but the rest of you seem blind to the flip side.
Atheists make it worse by acting so certain of the conclusions derived from observation and experimentation. Why such confidence? With only one universe, who's to say the physical rules wont change in the next 20 seconds nullifying the whole of science's data set? You have faith that this will not occur. Past stability is not evidence, correlation does not denote causation.
What happens when there is a question that cannot be answered?
Sure science gives us great control over the physical world, but the great questions remain. Whence comes logic? Why can't we have a square circle?
Science can only explain the physical rules by which existence operates, it cannot explain why those rules are as they are or most importantly why they are, at all.
Not why as in purpose, that's too personal, not why as in origin, that's too linear.
But. Raw. Simple. Why?
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein
"Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?" - Stephen Hawking
"Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?" - Abraham Lincoln

For one, the posts have different objectives. I still want the file list, quite separate from the repair of the search bar.
For two, its amazing how fast you egomaniacs appear from the woodwork when there's a chance to flex your oh so precious digital muscle, but oh so busy with other things when it comes to actually answering a question or two.
Just goes to show you, all revolutionaries are wannabe aristocrats. Perhaps you should skip the middle man and go work for Microsoft.
Re: Never fails.
Re read your posts. Your post from November 25 has two questions/issues you want solved. Your post from December 20 is stating the same problem as your post from November 25. Hence why it was locked.Innomen wrote:For one, the posts have different objectives. I still want the file list, quite separate from the repair of the search bar.
Innomen wrote:For two, its amazing how fast you egomaniacs appear from the woodwork when there's a chance to flex your oh so precious digital muscle, but oh so busy with other things when it comes to actually answering a question or two.
Just goes to show you, all revolutionaries are wannabe aristocrats. Perhaps you should skip the middle man and go work for Microsoft.
When you are going to make comments like that, you better make sure you know what you are talking about. Obviously, you don't.
Moderator's have two jobs here.
1) Moderate (police) the forums. eg. Locking posts, removing spam, moving posts, etc.
2) Offer support to other users.
Every member here including admins and moderators are volunteers. We do this when we have time and without pay. I had some free time and decided to stop by the forums. I saw your posts and made the appropriate actions. I don't have to answer your questions. Especially, if I don't have time to do so.
Re: Never fails.
You consider me beneath you anyway, why bother replying?
Perhaps because I've had the temerity to point out the emperor's bare hind side.
Well aren't we the Buddha.
There is no such thing as a selfless act. Status is often a greater motivator than funding.
You can try to sell the line of Dudley Do-right all night.
I'm not buying.
" title="Applause"> Funny you should mention police, they too spend a great deal of time looking for opportunities to be heroes and bullies under the guise of public selfless service.
To be fair you're much closer to a food court security guard.
So perhaps you should go away now. I think some teens over there need to be reminded how much you're in charge.
Perhaps because I've had the temerity to point out the emperor's bare hind side.
...without pay...

There is no such thing as a selfless act. Status is often a greater motivator than funding.
You can try to sell the line of Dudley Do-right all night.

To be fair you're much closer to a food court security guard.
So perhaps you should go away now. I think some teens over there need to be reminded how much you're in charge.
Re: Never fails.
Innomen wrote:You consider me beneath you anyway, why bother replying?
Perhaps because I've had the temerity to point out the emperor's bare hind side....without pay...Well aren't we the Buddha.
There is no such thing as a selfless act. Status is often a greater motivator than funding.
You can try to sell the line of Dudley Do-right all night.I'm not buying.
" title="Applause"> Funny you should mention police, they too spend a great deal of time looking for opportunities to be heroes and bullies under the guise of public selfless service.
To be fair you're much closer to a food court security guard.
So perhaps you should go away now. I think some teens over there need to be reminded how much you're in charge.
You obviously have a problem with authority.
Lose your attitude. Keep it up and I will suspend you for X-amount of time. Continue the same attitude after the suspension and I will ban you permanently.