Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Spanking: More mindlessness.

One can really tell critical thinking is prized highly among the pro assault crowd. /sarcasm

Just recently I saw the following gem.

I think that most people feel that spanking is bad. in some cases, a spanking can help. I very rarely had to spank my kids,,but when I did, they knew that it was because they were doing something that they had been told time and time again not to do.

Beating and spanking are two different things.

Spanking with the goal of producing healthy happy socially adjusted adults is about as adept as the rubber mallet approach to TV repair.

"Duhhhrrrrrr it not doing what me want HIT HIT! I not hit hard... see now it work YAY! Me good parent!"

It's quite simple, on a number of levels. (albeit apparently not simple enough for the shockingly limited average intellect of the pro spanking parent.)

Would you tolerate a spanking from your employer? If he or she were to give you one, what would the charge be? Assault? Sexual battery? Can you talk your way out of assault saying "Well I didn't hit X very hard."

News flash: Children are human citizens and deserve equal protection under the law. Can you legally hit a citizen just because they annoy you?

Past all that, who says what you are asking is reasonable? I knew plenty of people well beyond their parents in both wisdom and intelligence. Knocking some girl up or getting knocked up does not instantly make you fit to parent responsibly or issue order backed by physical force.

That's why we train police and soldiers, and even they have a very hard time of it.

If you're too inept to trick or convince a child into willfully undertaking the desired set of actions, and the only recourse you can think of is punishment, (of any kind, in my opinion) then you're too stupid and callous to be a parent in the first place.


The only reason this is still a debate at all is because The Company wants absentee teen morons raising children so they can provide TV, School, military, and religion, as alternates. Thereby halting social evolution, which is the largest threat to established institutions ever devised.

The average American parent actually raises their own children about as much as the sap paying a 20$ a month guilt check to some kid in Somalia.


  1. I grew up with spankings and I never for once thought of it as abuse. Many people spanked their kids and these kids grew up to have respect for their parents because they new they were trying very hard to guide them in the right direction for adulthood.

    There is nothing wrong with a spanking, not a beating, Yes there is a difference.

  2. I grew up with spankings and I never for once thought of it as abuse. difference.

    Uhhh, that's because you were a child. Spend 20 minutes with a children's services worker. Children don't know when they are being abused, that's part of why abuse is so common. They have no frame of reference.

    Many people spanked their kids and these kids grew up to have respect for their parents because they new they were trying very hard to guide them in the right direction for adulthood.

    You never reached adulthood if you still can't figure out that its wrong to hit people unless you're defending yourself.

    I think you confuse "respect" with fear, Stockholm syndrome, and obedience. Sure beating people is a great way to make them do as they are told (so long as you are present and capable of beating them) but if you understood what parenting really was you'd realize obedience isn't even a factor.

    I don't know about you but I respect people for being respectable, not being bigger than me and hitting me when I don't do as I'm told.

    I don't expect you to understand its too late for you. At this point your choice is seeing your parents as abusers or thinking everything is hunky dory. Since you are obviously not strong enough to break the cycle of domestic violence, in your case we'll have to hope you don't breed or hope your children are strong enough where you are not.

    There is nothing wrong with a spanking, not a beating, Yes there is a difference.

    Oh really, so you'd have no problem with your employer hitting you for infractions just so long as they don't hit hard, and their intention is to "guide" you?

    The only reason absurdity like that can pass through your mind to your fingers unchecked is because you don't think of chidlren as human. You think of them as monkeys to be trained, pets to be controlled, which is precisely what you are. Gratz.

    For the record, I truly and deeply hate you and all your kind. you see my parents were abused, and they had the integrity and the strength to break that cycle. Now, the idea of hitting a child is repugnant to me. Because I am a good person. Where as you simply are not. The only question that remains is who to blame? I blame you for being willfully ignorant and refusing to explore your views for contradictions and double standards. Sure your parents have a share, but they didn't have the internet and the sum total of human psychological and parenting knowledge at their fingertips.

    You have no such excuse.

    To speak to you, or allow your putrid thoughtless words to remain on my blog is a testament to the SELF discipline I was taught as a child thanks to parents who reasoned with me, respected my position and opinion, and led by good example and persuasion rather than force.

    To me, as cliche as this is, you aren't even human. for a human is a being of discourse, thought, love. To think that someone like you can be given power over a helpless child is perhaps the most infuriating thing imaginable.

    The happy thing is you agree with me. Hence your unwillingness to explore yourself, your obvious defensive self loathing, and the fact that when you beat your children I'm sure you do it in private.

    May your wishes go unfulfilled.
