- Spouts intellectualised shite. Deluded sense of his own self-importance. Enjoys wallowing in an inflated paradoxical cloud of self satisfaction and paranoia. Likes to mis-interpret and mis-represent. Views any interest in his subject matter as selfishness. Throws tantrums if he doesn't get his own way. Mental illness could be an issue here and if so I apologise for this review. If not, this review stands and you are possibly the biggest joke I've come across on Stumbleupon. Advice to any Stumblers out there, particularly women: stay away from this misogynistic arsehole. Do not ask for any clarification on any of his view points unless you want a stream of gender-biased, intellectualised abuse landing in your inbox. Foolish little boy. Go away now. Shoo!
My review of her before seeing this review but after seeing "Go fuck yourself, Innomen, you deluded fool." In my inbox.
This was after a fairly pleasant conversation. But the topic of the conversation was a series of questions she was asking me about my position.
I don't mind a quick clarification, but she was asking well formed deep large questions which demanded equal answers. As you know if you've read my other work you know that I'm quite verbose.
My positions especially the complex ones take time to articulate, and more time to public which involved a degree of fact grammar and spell checking.
I have no problem answering these questions except for two facts.
1. The answers are readily available in my other work.
2. I get these questions quite a bit, and the duplication of effort required in answering them is radically demanding and unfair. given that a good post takes me upwards of 45 minutes to compose.
Basically what I wanted was for the questions I got to be deliver anonymously so that I could answer them publicly, and maybe save myself from having to do it again later.
But this young woman feels it is my duty to personally tutor her in sociology, economics, anthropology, evolutionary biology, psychology, game theory, and ethics.
I neither have the time or inclination to do so most especially to a person I had only met 2-3 days prior. I've discovered time and again that friends made quickly especially women vanish just as quickly.
Women, especially online have a nasty habit of taking a single statment out of context and then haveing a massive antrum which almost invariably includes a spiteful review, and an ignore, the digital equivilant of hanging up on a guy while cursing him. Completely refusing to hear or explore pertnintan supporting material int he process.
Women have a gift for the Straw man. What you actually said or menat has no relevance.
Beyond all of that lets tackle the review itself shall we and explore what it says about the author.
Spouts intellectualised shite. Deluded sense of his own self-importance.
I directly offered her a chance to explore and if disagreement was found debate or counter my ideas, as I do indirectly with all thinking life. I never ignore anyone or block negative reviews or posts on any subject in any medium I have control in.
Importance is a subjective and time critical thing, neither can be objectively judged until all the facts are in. History is replete with examples of people or achievements that appeared trivial or valueless at the time and later revolutionized the entire world. The discovery of silicon for example.
I've already commented extensively on The Company's desire for everyone to treat greatness as an impossible external thing of the past. Simple reminder, I will not be shamed or bullied into lying about my opinion of my own worth.
I consider myself a genius and a highly skilled philosopher ethicist, game theorist, logician etc. What the world thinks of me now or later is not my concern. I am not a politician or an aspiring prom king, i simply don't care what you personally think of me or my ideas.
All I care about is how the stand up to scrutiny, and their degree of parity with reality. And "Go fuck yourself." is hardly a damning argument against anything except maybe the speaker's credibility.
Likes to mis-interpret and mis-represent.
Again, I offered and still offer plenty of opportunity to demonstrate this. If it is the case then I welcome it. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain from being proven wrong on any point no matter how trivial or profound.
Throws tantrums if he doesn't get his own way.
Pot, Kettle, Black. I don't recall spouting personally attacks and name calling while blocking and unfriending you, and then warning an entire gender to avoid me.
Mental illness could be an issue here and if so I apologise for this review.
Ad Hom. Even if I were mentally ill, which I'll admit, at least one psychology professional thinks I am, I would never use that as cover. I don't care if I'm a Tinfoil Hat wearing schizophrenic, my ideas are either correct or they are not. My particular psychosis, if any, demands that I present all my ideas for total peer review. Frankly I think I'm saner than the vast bulk of humanity. But hey, I'm open to the possibility of being a nut bar.
Advice to any Stumblers out there, particularly women: stay away from this misogynistic arsehole.
Ahh the old saw. Feminists are accused ad nauseum of being men haters. As a masculist, I get the same treatment. Once, again, for the record, I do not hate women.
Do not ask for any clarification on any of his view points unless you want a stream of gender-biased, intellectualised abuse landing in your inbox.
My response to her demand that I be her private tutor was that the attitude of entitlement is to special treatment is common in young women.
This post and this post are related to our conversation, which I would gladly repost verbatim if she were as confident in her position as I am in mine, alas, I'm sworn to secrecy, and must limit myself to conceptual translation, rather than literal responses.
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