Wow, still having to write these things. I must say I'm flattered. If what is said about me in this post and others is true in the extent that I somehow have a pathological craving for attention, which I am neither conforming nor disputing given that it is not my place to offer objective valuations of my own subjective character, then I must say I've certainly gotten it.
I think I get hate reviews more frequently now then I did when I was still posting.
But hey responding to them is a blast, so here goes.
This one came from yet another Company girl who thinks individuality and her value as a sentient comes from the degree to which men wish to copulate with her, IE how “pretty” she is. I've said most of this before and by now I really don't care if you're saved from your genes or die a slave to them, so I'm going to assume you understand the bulk of what I'm saying because you've read the rest of my work and understood it as well, or you don't because you can't and you're irredeemable.
I just read your review of my page. Thanks for your opinion. Albeit, a bad one- You're entitled to it. Since you're so hot on the subject (Or maybe you just get off on hearing yourself speak) That wasn't a glamour shot- I'm pretty. And I have the right to be pretty and post my picture if I so choose- I'm not half naked, I'm not posed in a sexual manner- in fact, it's barely a head shot. Just a picture of my face. If you think that is a glamour shot, well thank you- But that "glamour shot" is not license for me to be harassed by horny creepy men and since most of those men don't respond to kind subtle requests, I needed something more blunt and assertive. And it definitely works. Even when self righteous, pompous mouth pieces think otherwise. From the looks of it, you're the one begging on bended knee for attention. And I have no problem with that- whatever gets your through the day- just keep it away from me.
That's the full text of a review pasted here in full so that when/if she changes it my responses won't look absurd, which happens all the time on stumbleupon, one of the myriad reasons I stopped creating content for them.
I'm going to respond in section, they will just be copy pasted from the main review above, you're not seeing double.
That wasn't a glamour shot- I'm pretty.
"Pretty" has come to mean sexually appealing. Do you mean pretty like a waterfall? Pretty like a snowflake? Or pretty like a fashion model. Beyond that, who's this "I'm" you're speaking of? I don't even see you in the picture. I see the ratio of distances between your eyes, nose, chin etc, I see the choices of makeup purchase and application, (which I'll get to in a minute), I see styled hair who's structure you neither designed nor naturally acquired
And I have the right to be pretty and post my picture if I so choose-
And I have the right to move to Iran and take up honor killing as a hobby. Does government tolerance for a thing make it morally correct? your rights end where other's begin and you're contributing to a system that destroys so many lives that its crippled the whole world. Before you met me your ignorance of this behavior was you only ethical fallback, but now that you've been exposed to my position and refuse to even explore it or debate it, you've surrendered that protection. Now you're complicit. In keeping with Godwin's law, I'll mention Nazis. You've gone from ignorant German citizen to Luftwaffe, once you understand and help anyway, you'll be SS. The fact that you think this behavior is your birthright is telling. I'll grant that it is in a way, in the same way it's a cancer cell's birthright to slaughter a pancreas, But that doesn't make it all ok.
I'm not half naked, I'm not posed in a sexual manner- in fact, it's barely a head shot.
Of course you're not half naked, you'll make whoever wants to see that pay nosebleed prices in opportunity costs through verbal contract, and cold hard cash through gifts. The irony is you're doing this on behalf of someone else and you're too dim to realize it even when its presented to you, but hey you're "pretty" so its not like having a brain really matters for you now does it. Not saying you don't have one, but like the fuzzy headed guy said, “you've been given a large brain by mistake".
Just a picture of my face.
Your face? What makes you think its yours? Again the genetics? Ok sure in that way its somewhat unique to you, but out of 6 billion people we have to be talking about an extreme degree of qualifiers. I mean when you pick up a snowflake do you really think of each of them as priceless and unique or do you see snow?
Your eyes naturally that dark? Or did you apply coloring to make them look larger. Your lips naturally that color and do you always drool enough to keep them slippery and wet or again is that an application of some sort? How about blush? Foundation? Hair products from shampoo to conditioner to spray and gel? How about the teeth?
If its your face and yours alone how come it looks like what I see staring at me from every television commercial and fashion magazine? How come its that exact face I see telling me to buy everything from Friday's over priced burgers to life insurance? How come its that face I see on every movie and television love interest extolling one social virtue or another and demanding that I as a man I jump through some absurd hoop to win the right to please you sexually, since if I get that far and only enjoy myself I've still failed?
You're a product honey, and you've rolled off an assembly line as sure as a Toyota. That's not your face. You bought it from a thousand companies and you hung it on your flesh like a sneetche's star.
You seem to claim that this choice is completely non sexual, and that my implication that you're basically whoring yourself (which I have no problem with, BTW, prostitutes and sluts are a greater threat to the Company than I ever could be, in my mind your kind is beneath a whore since a whore to me is a valid and honest profession) is completely unfounded. Here's why.
Again let us examine something you may have been previously ignorant of.
Do you know why each of these things about your face is considered "pretty"? Lets start from the top and work our way down.
Hair. Your hair is treated to look a certain way because it indicates that it will be pleasing to the touch, as benign as that sounds, in the context of the rest of it it little more than a "love handle".
Forehead: No acne there, no shine of sweat, because since “girls” have to be plastic they can't be sweaty, sweaty isn't sexy unless its on a beach or somehow indicative of strenuous sex, or something contributing to sex, like say dancing/stripping, or working out. Along with the rest of the skin exposed in the photo other than your lips and eyes, its been masked completely with foundation to hide the fact that it's not smooth and perfect like a child's. And we have the first taste of why the teen pregnancy rate in America is staggering and why we have a permanent pedophile witch hunt in this country.
Eyebrows. Plucked and trimmed and sculpted, God forbid we're reminded that you, being a human adult have hair. Sexy little girls don't have hair unless its soft and silky smooth, or decoratively petite, demure demure even, pretty, small, controlled. And they have to be dark, lest they escape notice, and everything about a girl has to be noticeable if she's going to be "pretty".
Eyes. You know why you apply darkness to your eyes? Because it makes the eyes themselves which are reflective appear larger in relation to the rest of your head. You know what else has abnormally large eyes? A baby, or a child, or a kitten.
Cheeks. Blushed ever so subtly, to indicate maybe a hint of embarrassment, because you're perhaps thinking about sex, like a blushing bride, and being that you're a good (read submissive) virtuous (read sexually inexperienced, naive, trainable) girl. Always "girl", never "woman", you're only ever a woman when someone is telling you how strong and independent and uncontrollable you are, usually so they can control you.
Nose. Also anti-shine treated, to minimize its visual impact, because once again, since the nose and the ears grow throughout life, a small nose can mean a young person. You're supposed to have a little button nose just like a doll, a pliable unfeeling doll, that won't object too much. A doll that can be purchased and loved in private.
Lips. Ahh the lips, the most blatant part of the product lie that is "your" face. Glistening with gloss, slightly apart. Need I really describe the connotation of slick, pink, wet, slightly open, lips?
Are we seeing a pattern here? Now being that I'm basically discussing profitable pedophilia, I'm sure you'll start calling me a pedophile and thats fine, its nothing haven't heard before. But realize that I neither made up the following picture, or created the market forces, that are ultimately human forces, that made it possible.
Here's what I see, when I look at your picture and the billions like it. From a time when society was slightly more honest with itself about what it was and what it wanted.

But hey I'm just crazy right? And don't forget of low rank. Yea yea, I'm a sex crazed pedophile who lives in his mother's basement shunning all human contact, obviously a failure for having no beer in the house, spending his day divided up equally among hentai, hate speech, and video games, totally ignorant of the real world, stupid and pathetic in every way, a fat pimply virgin geek loser who is just jealous that he can't fuck someone like you and is lashing out. Right? I mean thats just about your position isn't it?
You wish honey, you wish. Enjoy your slave's existence. I suppose I wouldn't mind being a loved pet, a treasured possession of a superior being, or hell, maybe closer to a tick, or a intestinal worm. But I'm just too fond of my dignity to proceed.
Just know this. I look around and I know I earned everything I have, not in some Horatio Alger work way, but in that I understand it, and deserve it. I sleep like a baby knowing for a fact the world is a better place for me being in it. And so long as I am in it and do what I do it keeps being ever so slightly better. I earn my oxygen in happiness. I don't walk down the street and cause suffering and jealousy and self loathing, and then have the Gaul to claim that not only is there nothing wrong with profiting from this wake of horror, it's my right and I should be proud of it.
You, and all your kind, are doomed. You have two choices. Adapt or evolutionary oblivion. Human, or Eloi, you decide. Lucky for your kind those of my intelligence are typically gifted with compassion as well. We'll continue to take care f you long after your sexual value has become a distant memory in the face of other more stimulating pursuits.
Ignorance is no longer an excuse.
P.S. Reply if you wish, or not. Sorry for putting you on ignore on SU, I hate doing that, since I think it hides your review of me, but I'm done wasting time on crating content that only one person sees.